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Aspiring developer
Posts: 61
Reg: Jun 28, 2011
08/04/11 06:49 AM (13 years ago)

Editing App on XCode

I would like to do the following so any help would be great: 1) Finish editing the App on Buzztouch 2) Remove the Buzztouch URL for the info.txt so that users don't get refreshing or updates, this means I can test my self then submit an update to apple when everything is ready. 3) Edit the app using XCode to add more features like filesharing or Open In... I am not asking for the code although that'd be great, only asking how to do 1) to 3) so I can then edit things I want to. OR I have edited some things in the localizable.strings file to change the text of some buttons or pop ups, but I can't figure out much more. Can I edit the config.txt to add more features? Thanks in advance.
David @ buzztouch
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 6866
Reg: Jan 01, 2010
Monterey, CA
08/05/11 10:20 PM (13 years ago)
You can for sure edit the config.txt file after downloading the project - this is very common. If you take this approach, be sure to remvoe the dataURL so the app doesn't look for a newer copy on a server. Removing the URL will also make the Refresh button go away. The parts of the config.txt file you edit will determine what needs to be changed. Not sure how to advise here. Maybe have a look at the docs to see all the options and how they can be configured. Adding additional features is another can-of-worms, so many things that you could do. Each new thing you add will likely require a new screen. When you make new screens, make new UIViewControllers and name them startegically. Make changes in the config.txt file to 'point' to your new screens. Again, hard to advise here, literally an unlimited number of things you may be trying to do. If you're interested in programming some cool stuff, you'll be well served to start with some simple tutorials (YouTube) showing you how to construct simple view controllers then go from there. It can get complex (Objective C is tough for new programmers) but I can assure you the more you get comfy with how it works the more powerful and flexible and amazing your apps will become. Stick with it.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 61
Reg: Jun 28, 2011
08/06/11 07:54 PM (13 years ago)
David: I tried to delete the dataURL from the text file like you suggested but all that happened was that the refresh button still work but no screens other than the main menu screen worked. Luckily I had copied the original txt file so I put it all back as it was and now everything runs again. All I want to do is stop end users getting refreshed data when I try new features out on the app once it is live on the AppStore. Please advise. Thanks in advance, Mark
David @ buzztouch
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 6866
Reg: Jan 01, 2010
Monterey, CA
08/08/11 03:58 AM (13 years ago)
Ah...if you don't want users to see anything new, you should remove the refresh URL and the URL that checks for updates. I probably should have mentioned this - forgot. a) Remove the dataURL. b) Remove the reportToCloudURL (this is the URL the app checks for updates) As far as none of your screens working after remvoing the dataURL, what dataURl did you remove? See the docs, you only want to remove the URL for the app's configuration data. You dont' want to remove any dataURL's for individual screens.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 61
Reg: Jun 28, 2011
08/08/11 03:09 PM (13 years ago)
Hello again: I'm pretty stuck here with the dataURL and reportToCloudURL: I've tried again, removed the entire lines with dataURL and reportToCloudURL and I've tried just removing the actual URL from the lines, both seem to have no effect - the refresh icon is still there are it still works. I'm clearly missing something - sorry: I'm editing the BT_info.txt file within Xcode, then Clean, Build & Run. Sorry to hassle you! Other than this my app is done and just need to figure out the code signing stuff and how to submit my app to apple. All running fine on my iPhone 4 and Simulators all using iOS 5 beta 5 so all good for next public update and new iPhone! PS - cool feature of iOS 5 is that hyperlinks in PDF files work and if you select a word in any screen (pdf, url, word etc) you get the option copy/define. the define option opens up the dictionary found in iBooks - it slides nicely up from the bottom. Pretty useful feature for my app as it uses lots of pdf files as a instruction manual.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 61
Reg: Jun 28, 2011
08/08/11 03:26 PM (13 years ago)
Possible other option. If I hide the tool bar from the main menu screen this will stop users getting a refresh option, right? I am also concerned that if I accidentally delete my app on buzztouch or buzztouch servers crash then all users will get a dead app if they update. I tried that (deleting app) with a test app and it kills the app.
David @ buzztouch
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 6866
Reg: Jan 01, 2010
Monterey, CA
08/09/11 01:25 AM (13 years ago)
OK, yup, something slipping past the logic here. You'll get it! It's sometimes tough to determine WHAT configuration file (BT_config.txt) file the app is using. Could it be that you're editing the file in Xcode but the app is reading a file it previosuly downloaded? If you used a dataURL, the app probably downloaded a version from the server and saved it to it's cache. If it did this, it uses that and ignores the one in Xcode (because it has a newer version) Starting over... a) Clear the dataURL and reportToCloud URL from your control panel. Core Settings. Be sure to Save b) Still in Core settings. Open the Show COnfiguration Data link so you can see all the config data. Copy this to your mouse and paste it in the Xcode file. BT_config.txt. Now, the server and the Xcode have the same data. This file has NO dataURL and no reportToCould URL right? These should be blank. c) Compile > run. The Refresh button should not exist and the app should not check the server for updates. In this case you'll have zero dependency on any backend. Some screens may themselves have a dataURL for files, pdfs, graphics, etc. but the main config. data will not be updated. This means it will work without the buzztouch backend but also means you'll need to manually update the config file (using the steps I outlined above) each time the app changes. If this does not work, something silly's happening ;-)
Aspiring developer
Posts: 61
Reg: Jun 28, 2011
08/09/11 03:01 PM (13 years ago)
Thanks David - got it sorted! Deleted report to cloud and data URL's from the buzz touch core settings screen, deleted the text from the original BT_Info.txt file in Xcode and replaced it with the configuration data that I copied from the link in the core settings page on buzztouch. Clean, build, run and all running sweetly with no refresh icon - now I can tinker with the app and end users will not get unwanted changes until I'm ready to submit an update to the App Store. Fingers crossed my app gets approved! PS My app is called iTeachSmart it is a guide to all educators about how to use iOS devices as a teaching tool and to improve the use of ICT in classrooms, lecture halls etc. I am a teacher myself and make hugely successful use of my iPhone and mac in my classroom! Thanks again for all your advice, prompt replies and for creating buzz touch. I'm sure I'll figure out programming Xcode eventually but I would not have managed this app so quickly without your website!
David @ buzztouch
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 6866
Reg: Jan 01, 2010
Monterey, CA
08/09/11 06:20 PM (13 years ago)
iTeachSmart - almost a guaranteed hit coming with this idea. Great plan!!! You can't imagine how many teachers and educators ask about this exact kind of app. Get ready for some huge support ;-)
Aspiring developer
Posts: 61
Reg: Jun 28, 2011
08/14/11 01:56 AM (13 years ago)
David, thanks for your comment!!!! I'm glad that someone else thinks this app will hit the spot and fill a hole in the app market. Can I ask a huge favour - can I quote your comment and use it on by website, which is still in development - kind of new to that too! www.smartphone2teach.com
David @ buzztouch
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 6866
Reg: Jan 01, 2010
Monterey, CA
08/15/11 10:26 PM (13 years ago)
Sure, you're welcome to use my name / title if you want or if you think it will help. Afterall, we have seen tens of thousands of ideas ;-)

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