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Reg: Apr 09, 2012
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11/07/13 12:52 AM (10 years ago)

Offline Videos & Video Downloads - How to save media for later. Is a local database needed?

Howdy. I'm having a similar requirement pop up over and over and I'd like to be able to make this happen. Let's say I have a screen (HTML, maybe, but any will do) where a user can stream a video from my server. The video is my content, not from Youtube et al. The file itself maybe over 50MB and let's say my user wants to save it in-app for offline viewing. The option to embed all of my videos is not happening - in total I have 20 videos all of a similar size. I believe (but am no expert) that HTML5 caching has a limit (maybe 5MB?). So how does one go about implementing this? My spider-senses are saying a SQLLite database. This frightens me somewhat. So, does anyone have any pointers? I'm approaching this with the attitude that if it can be done elsewhere it can (and will eventually!) happen on Buzztouch! Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
Veteran developer
Posts: 998
Reg: Oct 13, 2012
11/08/13 12:48 AM (10 years ago)
>Is a local database needed If you want to download a video and then enable the user to find it, you will have to remember where the video is, under which name is it saved and so on. Users will then also want to choose amongst the downloaded videos, to erase them, re-download them and so on, so once you choose this route, it quickly bursts into a fully fledged programming task. Perhaps the most obvious way to do all that is to use SQLLite, as you suggested. That will make sense if you already know a lot of SQL, from some other source. The other way is to just ignore the existence of SQL and make a quick program which will do it all on its own. It is just a matter of programming preferences, nothing more. All in all, you will have to dive into programming for this and you can do that on your own, for fun or you can pay someone to do that for you. In Buzztouch terms, to create a plugin tailored especially for you. Kind regards, Dusko http://www.duskosavic.com
Aspiring developer
Posts: 187
Reg: Apr 09, 2012
location unknow...
11/08/13 01:30 AM (10 years ago)
Cheers Dusko, that's what I thought. It may be a task for a long, dark winter week in the UK...

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