Discussion Forums  >  Crashes, Memory Warnings

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Aspiring developer
Posts: 705
Reg: Jan 23, 2012
08/02/13 10:47 AM (10 years ago)

Twitter scringo crash

Hello I havescringo integrated into an android app. Facebook work great. I set up a twitter app I set permissions to read only I added the consumer key and secret to scringo properties I created a callback url When I click log into twitter it says authorize twitter blah blah blah I click authorize the app brings me to this screen and crashes http://youtu.be/63msoMv_3xg Logcat says- 08-02 17:36:47.478: E/AndroidRuntime(2380): FATAL EXCEPTION: Thread-155 08-02 17:36:47.478: E/AndroidRuntime(2380): java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare() 08-02 17:36:47.478: E/AndroidRuntime(2380): at android.os.Handler.<init>(Handler.java:197) 08-02 17:36:47.478: E/AndroidRuntime(2380): at android.os.Handler.<init>(Handler.java:111) 08-02 17:36:47.478: E/AndroidRuntime(2380): at android.widget.Toast$TN.<init>(Toast.java:324) 08-02 17:36:47.478: E/AndroidRuntime(2380): at android.widget.Toast.<init>(Toast.java:91) 08-02 17:36:47.478: E/AndroidRuntime(2380): at android.widget.Toast.makeText(Toast.java:238) 08-02 17:36:47.478: E/AndroidRuntime(2380): at com.scringo.twitter.ScringoTwitterActivity.saveUserDetails(ScringoTwitterActivity.java:94) 08-02 17:36:47.478: E/AndroidRuntime(2380): at com.scringo.twitter.ScringoTwitterActivity.access$1(ScringoTwitterActivity.java:85) 08-02 17:36:47.478: E/AndroidRuntime(2380): at com.scringo.twitter.ScringoTwitterActivity$2$1.run(ScringoTwitterActivity.java:60) 08-02 17:36:47.478: E/AndroidRuntime(2380): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:856) I dont know if what to do. Anyone have any suggestions?
Aspiring developer
Posts: 705
Reg: Jan 23, 2012
08/05/13 05:23 AM (10 years ago)
Hello all I was using an older sdk of scringo. When I used version 2.2.2 everything worked fine.

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