CircleView List Menu

buzztouch plugin: CircleView List Menu
Version: v2.0
This plugin allows you to build a list menu in an arc. It allows scrolling in a circle pattern. You can change the icon on each row, the arc radius, and all sorts of other neat properties. ***This plugin has limited Android support.
works on iOS iOS
works on Android Android
Developer Info
Latest Review
Pointerpulverdingen | 02/09/14 (v1.8)
Very Nice, I am implementing it in my newest App, and the others that will follow. Well Done !
More Information
This plugin allows you to build a simple menu in an arc. It allows scrolling in a
circle pattern. By selecting a row image you can add an image (same on each row) to
the left of each row. This is supported in both landscape and portrait orientations.
Limited Android support. This plugin shows a basic list menu in Android. It allows the use of row icons and description text similar to iOS version.

Certain styles look better then others in this layout. We recommend clear rows, a
rounded row image, transparent nav bar,(hides top scrolling action) and no cell
accessory (right arrow moves off the screen when you scroll) You should also select none
for row selection, or the square cells will be shown when a row is selected.

If you don't have enough rows to scroll properly, we suggest you repeat the selections
and have them point to the same screens. This will give you more rows and scrolling
will look better.

iOS Project
Four files required.
Circleview_list_menu.h and .m
CS_cell_menulist.h and .m

Android Project
***Limited Android support, shows as basic list menu***
Two files required

Version History
v2.0 5/12/14
     added text size and color adjustment for both title and description
v1.9 5/4/14
     fixed scaling / center option on row icons
v1.8 12/27/13
     Fixed bug with child items breaking connection
v1.7 12/17/13
     Updated childItem HTML to include icon sizes and scale option
v1.6 12/5/13 (iOS updates)
     Updated Radius & row Items in Config_cp.txt
     Removed text selection when you go back into menu
v1.5 11/25/13 (iOS updates)
     updated cell background issue (now clear)
     Added CS_cell_menulist files
     adjusted description text offset
v1.4 - BT update for 3.0 core
v1.3 04/24/2013 Adds Android to the plugin.

v1.1     11/10/2012
          Minor UI changes in .php files for control panel.
          Fixed icon scale property in control panel.
          Fixed default row indicator (blank) in Circleview_list_menu.m

v1.0, original release


If you manually enter the menu item data, the JSON data for this item in the BT_config.txt
includes a child items array holding individual BT_menuItem items. Each item produces a row.

"navBarTitleText":"CircleView Menu",
"titleText":"This is row 1",
"titleText":"This is row two",

If you provide menu item data from a remote file there is no childItems array in the screen
definition in the BT_config.txt file. Instead, the menu items are pulled from a remote file.

"navBarTitleText":"CircleView Menu",

In this case the menu items would come from a backend script at the dataURL. Loading
the dataURL in your browser would produce output like this....

"titleText":"This is row 1",
"titleText":"This is row 2",
"titleText":"This is row 3",