Match 3 Game

buzztouch plugin: Match 3 Game
Version: v4.0
This plugin adds a fully-functional Match 3 game to your app. Fun to play and lots of ways to customize!
works on iOS iOS
Developer Info
Latest Review
Pointeraquila198 | 03/20/16 (v1.1)
Thanks! This was another good one to add to the mix!
More Information
Match 3 Game
This plugin adds a fully-functional "Match 3" game to your app. You can customize quite a few options on this, including:

-Number of elements
-Images of elements
-Header image
-Max turns
-Points per Match (different points for matching 3, 4 or 5 at a time)
-Points per Combo
-Time limit per turn
-and more!

This plugin is based on the HTML5 open-source project by Henry Liou.
Modifications were made, including but not limited to:
--Integrating certain CSS and JS values with objective-c code to match up with Control Panel properties
--Adding points tracker and points per X # of matches
--Adding max number of turns
--Creating plugin wrapper around project

Version History
4.0 - Support for Buzztouch Core 4.0
1.1 - Bug fix where game continued past max turns, and where heading was cut off at top
1.0 - Initial Release 3/30/2014

iOS Project (3.0 projects only)

Android Project
Not supported at this time