Phone Dialer

buzztouch plugin: Phone Dialer
Version: v1.1
Place a phone call with many configurable options. Configure the title, message, buttons, prompt type and if the app should resume after the phone call ends.
works on iOS iOS
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The Phone Dialer plugin allows the developer to customize how the native phone application is launched. Either an AlertView Action Sheet is presented prompting the user to place the phone call. After the phone call, the developer can configure the device to return to their app, or to the phone app. For best results, use the "fade" transition when loading this plugin.

Version History:
v1.0-Initial Release of Plugin
v1.1-Compatibility with BT4.0 and iOS 10

iOS Project

Android Project
This plugin is not compatible with Android.

"itemId": "11223344",
"itemType": "JC_PhoneDialer",
"itemNickname": "Place Call",
"callType": "advanced",
"alertOrActionSheet": "alert",
"promptTitle": "Title",
"promptMessage": "Message",
"callButtonTitle": "Call",
"cancelButtonTitle": "Cancel"