Launch Tutorial

buzztouch plugin: Launch Tutorial
Version: v1.1
This plugin serves a dual-purpose. It shows a standard splash screen on load, then transitions to a tutorial if this is the first time the app has loaded.
works on iOS iOS
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This plugin serves a dual-purpose. It shows a standard splash screen on load, then transitions to a tutorial if this is the first time the app has loaded.
After the tutorial is finished, the app will transition to your home screen. The tutorial can have as many screens as you need, each styled differently.
There are three types of tutorial screens to choose from:

1) Standard screen
--includes a title, description and image
2) Header screen
--includes a header view at the top (using a .xib file you create), along with a title, description and image
3) Nib screen
--create a .xib file for the entire screen, giving you ultimate flexibility.

The advantage of the .xib files is that they are drag-and-drop. To create one, simply open XCode and go to File->New->File.
Choose "View" from the "User Interface" menu, and give it a name.

This plugin is based on the open-source project "MyBlurIntroductionView" of Matthew York. See license.txt in the plugin package for licensing details. "MyBlurIntroductionView" is licensed using the MIT license.

Version History
1.0 - Initial Build
1.1 - (4/25/14) Bug fix for crashing issue when not all images were set.

iOS Project

Android Project
This is an iOS-only project.

{"itemId":"692E177CAD740D8BE9D39BF", "itemType":"CR_tutorial", "itemNickname":"tutorial", "startTransitionAfterSeconds":"3","navBarTitleText":"tutorial","backgroundImageNameSmallDevice":"grapes.jpg","backgroundColor":"#b3c3be","childItems":[
{"itemId":"panel1","itemType":"panel","panelTitle":"Welcome to My App!","panelDescription":"Welcome to 'My App', a new and exciting app for your iphone that does absolutely nothing. With this app you can show off the tutorial to your friends and then sit back and relax!","panelImageName":"green_bike.jpg","panelType":"2","panelHeaderNibName":"CR_sampleHeader","panelBgColor":"#cecece"},
{"itemId":"panel2","itemType":"panel","panelTitle":"How to use this app","panelDescription":"Want to know how to use this app? It's easy. Just swipe through the tutorial screens like you're doing, until you get to the end. Then you're done!","panelImageUrl":"","panelType":"1"}