Random Splash

buzztouch plugin: Random Splash
Version: v1.2
Displays a randomly selected splash screen on app startup, from a list of images set in the control panel.
works on iOS iOS
works on Android Android
Developer Info
Latest Review
PointerATRAIN53 | 02/23/13 (v1.0)
Great plug-in and way to keep your app smelling 'fresh' 1st impressions are everything, having a way to dynamically change your app splash screen is not something I've seen elsewhere. This allows you to use your splash screen as a marketing too...
More Information
This plugin produces a screen with a random image. Typically the image is used to
introduce the application but it could be any kind of image. You can set any
number of images to select from in the control panel.

Splash screens are designed to animate away after a pre-determined
amount of time, a few seconds usually. However, you can configure the splash
screen to not animate away automatically and instead remain in view until
the user taps the screen.

Don't confuse Splash Screens like this one with Launch Images in iOS. iOS uses a set of images
that are compiled in your Xcode project as launch images. These images display as soon as the app
is launched and allow iOS to show the user something is happening. This means you may need to balance
the design of your launch image with the design of your splash image. Generally these are the same
type of message. Think of it this way, the splash screen with cover-up the launch image when it's
done loading. This means you'll want to design the two graphics, (the launch image the splash image)
to work together to get the results you want.

The Launch images come from the project, they are compiled before hand. The splash image can come
from the project or from a URL.

iOS Project
A total of two files are needed (in addition to image files):
CR_Random_Splash.m and CR_Random_Splash.h

Android Project
CR_Random_Splash.java is the Activity class that displays the view. The layout is handled by
screen_splash.xml for the activity.

Most people will use the control panel to configure the JSON data for this plugin but it's useful to
see what it may look like:
