Droid User Events

buzztouch plugin: Droid User Events
Version: v2.5
Droid User Event plugin allows the user to enter his own info for creating calendar events. User configures title,description,location,emails,start and end date, and start and end time.
works on Android Android
Developer Info
Latest Review
Pointerrburns50 | 06/27/14 (v2.1)
Nice simple plugin that does exactly what it says!
More Information
Droid User Event plugin allows the user to enter their own info for creating calendar events.
User configures title,description,location,emails,start and end date, and start and end time.I've also added
added ability to configure button color and button text color,hint titles,hint colors, and gradient colors.

Ive also add the ability to use gradient colors for the button. Refer to this post to for a pdf for ideas. Thanks to Krompa that for making the pdf!


iOS Project
No iOS Version

Android Project

Version History
1.0 - initial release
2.0 - added ability to configure button color and button text color,hint titles,hint colors, and label colors
2.1 - added ability to make button have gradient color and removed text labels
2.2 - added ability to make background gradient colors and rounded button corners
2.3 - made image button’s background transparent
2.4 - added new screenshot folders
2.5 - fixed duplicate variable names

JSON Example
"itemId": "DF11567785B623400A87CBE",
"itemType": "CM_anUserEvent",
"itemNickname": "droid user events",
"calTitleHintColor": "#00FF33",
"calTitleHint": "title of event",
"caldescriptionHintColor": "#0000FF",
"caldescriptionHint": "enter description",
"calLocationHintColor": "#009933",
"calLocationHint": "wheres the location",
"calEmailHintColor": "#00CC33",
"calEmailHint": "Seperate with commas",
"startButColorBottom": "#00FFFF",
"startButColorTop": "#FF3366",
"calstartdateColorText": "#00FF66",
"calStartTimeButBottom": "#00FFFF",
"calStartTimeButTop": "#FF3366",
"calStartTimeColorText": "#00FF66",
"endButColorBottom": "#00FFFF",
"endButColorTop": "#FF3366",
"calenddateColorText": "#00FF66",
"endTimeButColorBottom": "#00FFFF",
"endTimeButColorTop": "#FF3366",
"calendTimeColorText": "#00FF66",
"addEventUserBut": "addtouser",
"navBarTitleText": "droid user events"