Event Count Down

buzztouch plugin: Event Count Down
Version: v1.1
This android plugin allows you to lock a screen until a later date. The access button becomes locked until the time is up.
works on Android Android
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More Information
This android plugin allows you to lock a screen until a later date. The access button becomes locked until the time
is up. This plugin requires the android-support-v4.jar for the notifications. I've included this in the project
already. If you're using the facebook sdk in your app, delete android-support-v4.jar from your BT project.

Also you need to add this in your manifest(So users can be reminded when app is closed or phone gets restarted:

<service android:name=".NotificationService" />

right below this:

<service android:name=".BT_gcmIntentService" />

iOS Project
Kittsy has an iOS version: https://www.buzztouch.com/plugins/plugin.php?pid=7BAA5978A05231AA3D25BB8

Android Project

Version history
1.0 - initial release
1.1 - improved notifications with services and databases

"itemId": "40075285F0C59865C1184F5",
"itemType": "CM_eventCountDown",
"itemNickname": "testit",
"navBarTitleText": "testit",
"timeZone": "CST",
"cdMonth": "Dec",
"cdDays": "10",
"cdYear": "2014",
"cdHour": "01",
"cdMin": "30",
"notifyTitle": "hey",
"notifyTxt": "now",
"hourBeforeTxt": "hour before yeah!",
"hourBeforeTitle": "hour before reminder",
"dayBeforeTxt": "day before yeah!",
"dayBeforeTitle": "day before reminder",
"posterImage": "http://www.pilana.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Black-Friday.jpg",
"screenToLoad": "pagmenu"