
buzztouch plugin: PhotoEFX
Version: v1.2
Simple to use, yet powerful photo effects plugin. Let your users edit their photos on iPhone and iPad and save them to their library!
works on iOS iOS
Developer Info
Latest Review
PointermrDavid | 11/30/13 (v1.2)
Awesome plugin. Super powerful and underrated. :-)
More Information
Simple to use, yet powerful photo effects plugin. Let your users edit their photos on
iPhone and iPad and save them to their library!

iOS Project
This plugin requires that you add three frameworks to your project:
- OpenGLES
- CoreVideo
- CoreMedia

1) In xcode select the project in the project explorer.
2) In the apps summary screen, click "Build Phases"
3) Expand the "Link Binaries with Libraries" section.
4) Use the "+" button to add the above 3 frameworks.
5) "Clean" project and then "Build".

Android Project
This plugin is not supported for Android.

Sample JSON Data