AnWatchList Pro

buzztouch plugin: AnWatchList Pro
Version: v1.8
An Watch List allows you to add a youtube playlist screen in your app.Opens up a native player to play video. Just enter the playlist id and your google developer api key in the control panel to add your playlist.Also add admob banner and interstiti
works on Android Android
Developer Info
Latest Review
Pointermysps | 05/22/15 (v1.8)
Excellent!! Easy to use
More Information
An Watch List allows you to add a youtube playlist screen in your app.Opens up a native player to play video.
Just enter the playlist id and your google developer api key in the control panel to add your playlist. Ive added the youtube library (.jar file) to the plugin so its automatically included in the downloaded project.
Also add admob banner and interstitial ads w/out code! You can add bottom and top banner ads as well as interstitial ads.

iOS Project
aussiedra has iOS version:

Android Project

Version History
1.0 - initial release
1.1 - changed it from the default limit of videos show to the max allowed fetched(50 videos)
1.2 - added new screenshot folders
1.3 - added the youtube library (.jar file) to the plugin so its automatically included in your downloaded project
1.4- added ability to change title and description text color, from the control panel
1.5 - added ability to change layout settings
1.6 - added ability to change list view line seperator color. Also added loading dialog which is shown while the videos are
1.7 - added admob functionality to control panel as well as the import statement for the ColorDrawable class
1.8- updated for use with Youtube Data api v3 ( v2 is deprecated and its support stops April 20, 2015)

"itemId": "948A6C3DB67AA468853926F",
"itemType": "CM_awlPro",
"itemNickname": "apro",
"navBarTitleText": "apro",
"youtubeKey": "your_youtube-key",
“browserKey": "your_browser-key",
"ytplaylist": "HPcpp4e3JVpXbtgyD-k-nCmwpbbMIHOh",
"isGrid": "false",
"numOfColumns": "3",
"changeThumbSize": "false",
"thumbHeight": "20",
"thumbWidth": "20"