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buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2943
Reg: Jul 11, 2012
04/30/13 10:18 PM (11 years ago)

Great critiques on an app!

Received this great article from Tope of http://AppDesignVault.com In the article, six experts critique an app for its new-user usability and its ability to retain users. -- Niraj In his email, Tope said: One issue with lots of apps is… They are location-based and needs a critical mass of users for it to be usable. That is the problem Ness from "Share the Fare" had with his app. It is a ride-sharing app where users around the same location can hail a cab together and save on the cab fare. If I am the only one in an area, the app is kind of useless to me. So, how do you get a bunch of users in a location to download an app and get traction? That is one of the points we tackled in this app critique of Share The Fare. In the blog post, you will get a bunch of tips on how to solve the "new user" problem for your apps. - Why the first 5 minutes of your app experience is absolutely vital - What to add to your App description to get even more downloads - Why your first screenshot sucks even though it is the most important right now. We are critiquing Ness's app but these tips are useful across the board, so go check it out. http://www.apptamin.com/blog/app-marketing-critique-share-the-fare/
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
05/01/13 12:18 AM (11 years ago)
"All" my apps (at the moment) are location based. Good stuff as always, Niraj. Thanks! Cheers! -- Smug

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