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Reg: Mar 01, 2013
05/11/13 03:04 PM (11 years ago)

Missing Menu tabs and back button

Hi all, I hear users on the forum talk about a back button....i am using BT 2.0 self host but i only see REWIND. In each Screen I do see under Top Navigation>Right Button Type>REWINF and it puts a << button symbol at the top right hand of the page. has this button replace the BACK button in BT2.0? QUESTION 2: When i click the REWIND button symbol or the HOME button symbol on the top right hand of the page it takes back to to the page i am coming from but my 5 default menu tabs don't show up... Is there a way to have the 5 main tabs show on each page no matter where I click from?...if i click to any page from the 5 main tabs the all 5 tabs show at the bottom of the resulting page, but if i click to a screen from a menu plugin the 5 main tabs dont show at the bottom of the resulting page/screen need help on this....willing to pay if the fix need some coding. Thanks EJ

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