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Veteran developer
Posts: 998
Reg: Oct 13, 2012
06/25/15 10:39 AM (9 years ago)

Let Google Test Your App On Their Own Device Farm

Google Cloud Test Lab I have just seen this option in the Play Store console for one of my apps. It says: "The Google Cloud Test Lab will test your app on a wide range of the most popular physical Android phones and tablets. As you publish APKs to the Play alpha and beta tracks they will be automatically sent to our device lab without requiring you to make any changes. The Cloud Test Lab service will install your app and then create user-like interaction with it, tapping and dragging on the screen to explore reliability across diverse hardware. Reports on the test, including screenshots and full debugging traces for any issues uncovered, can be viewed right here in the Play Developer Console." I have just applied for the service, so will see how that goes. ======== If you are into testing, you can apply for the Samsung app store. Before they let you in, Samsung will test your app on all of their machines, and will not let the app pass if not working on just one of them. The link would be samsungapps.com.
Code is Art
Posts: 2082
Reg: May 14, 2011
06/25/15 11:11 AM (9 years ago)
I guess sort of like how Amazon does it. Its pretty neat at least how Amazon has it. Thanks for the info, I'll try it out.
Veteran developer
Posts: 183
Reg: May 19, 2011
06/26/15 07:12 AM (9 years ago)
Dusko, we struggle with Samsung from time to time. Not sure why we don't do anything other than use the standard Buzztouch plugins. If you submit your app into the Samsung testing program do they give you insight on what is causing the app to crash on the specific device? Or do they just tell you it didn't pass?
Veteran developer
Posts: 998
Reg: Oct 13, 2012
06/26/15 07:20 AM (9 years ago)
They do tell you in great length what went wrong on each of their devices. You get a full report and can act on it.

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