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Jake Chasan
Veteran developer
Posts: 1685
Reg: May 13, 2011
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09/12/13 08:55 AM (11 years ago)

Golden Master Build Term Definition

I had a question about the definition of the "Golden Master Build" in software. Is this the final build that is released to manufacturing and this same build will be released to the public? Thanks for the clarification, Jake
buzztouch Evangelist
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Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
09/12/13 09:10 AM (11 years ago)
Hey Jake, Golden Master (GM) and Release to Manufacturing (RTM) are essentially the same. At this point, the software is viewed as complete (no remaining bugs to be fixed for that release), and gets sent to manufacturing to get pressed onto CDs/DVDs (if that's a distribution media). It's also often released to the public at that time. Following RTM is General Availability (GA), which is when most of the marketing/branding activities have been completed, and it's pretty much available for sale all around. Mark
Code is Art
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Reg: Dec 15, 2010
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09/12/13 12:13 PM (11 years ago)
@Jake Chasan, The Gold Master for ios is a bit different than the official public 7.0 release. It expires after 60 days (I believe) and last time (ios 6) it had some bugs and problems that weren't in the official release.

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