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pointerBack to discussions for "Easy In App Purchase"
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Aspiring developer
Posts: 59
Reg: Jul 10, 2011
05/07/14 06:30 AM (10 years ago)

Not Working on iPad running iOS 7.1

In APP Purchace not working on iOS 7 on iPad

I finished a new app a couple days ago and sent to the apple app store. And got a rejection indicating that the in app purchase was working but did not work on an iPad running iOS version 7.1.

I have configured my app with the plugin "Easy In App Purchase" and configured it by all the instructions. Which worked in all my test perfectly. But apparently it does not in iOS 7.1 on a iPad. Has anyone seen this, and any ideas on what the problem might be and how to fix it?

The actual message from apple in the resolution center is below.

We found that your app exhibited one or more bugs, when reviewed on iPad running iOS 7.1, on both Wi-Fi and cellular networks, which is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.

Specifically, when the user attempts to purchase the Upgrade though the In-App purchase, no action is produced.

The steps to reproduce are:

1. Launch the app
2. Tap "Upgrade"
3. Tap on the price icon
4. No action is produced

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