Plugin Discussion

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Discussions for "Interactive Quiz"

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How do I get rid of the standard graphic supplied ...
by OptiPenguin 10 years ago
views: 174 replies: 1
last TravMcAvaddy 10 years ago
Unable to use mp3 sound
by jgomez 10 years ago
views: 163 replies: 0
Send data to URL not working
by marcushann 10 years ago
views: 172 replies: 0
by rawnwolf 11 years ago
views: 185 replies: 2
last jgomez 10 years ago
Post quiz results to Facebook
by Derval 11 years ago
views: 194 replies: 1
last OptiPenguin 10 years ago
storing quiz files in BT_Docs
by nadthevlad 11 years ago
views: 202 replies: 0
Does the quiz rotate on orientation changes?
by John Smiths 11 years ago
views: 185 replies: 0
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