App & iTunes Store Viewer

buzztouch plugin: App & iTunes Store Viewer
Version: v4.0
This plugin allows the user to view an item in the App Store or iTunes Store without leaving the app.
works on iOS iOS
Developer Info
Latest Review
Pointermooncelt | 12/25/14 (v1.0)
The visual is beautiful on this! It would be great if we could add our associate ID so that we could make some advertising revenue off of recommending another app or other Apple purchase.
More Information
This plugin allows the user to view an item in the App Store or iTunes Store without leaving the app. Simply enter the iTunes ID of the content and this plugin will display the iTunes Store. The user can install apps or download other iTunes items directly through this plugin. Previously a user would have to leave the app to view the iTunes Store. Once a user has left your app, they may never come back, however, this plugin will keep them within your app.

Version History:
v1.0-Initial Release of Plugin
v1.1-Compatibility with BT4.0 and iOS 10
v1.2-Compatibility with BT4.0.1 and added missing source files
v4.0-Changed ownership to Buzztouch; Updated to make instructions clearer.

iOS Project
StoreKit.framework (Automatically added with Source Code Download)

Android Project
This project is not currently compatible with Android

{"itemId":"454552A283882814D155B03", "itemType":"Jc_storeviewer", "itemNickname":"iTunes", "transitionStart":"YES", "transitionEnd":"YES", "iTunesItemID":"624628271", "navBarTitleText":"iTunes"}