RD Simple GeoFence

buzztouch plugin: RD Simple GeoFence
Version: v4.0
BT 4.0 This splash screen plugin allows your application to receive GeoFence notifications when your app is minimized or even when it is CLOSED! When an iPhone nears a location, they will receive a notification that opens your app when they tap it.
works on iOS iOS
Developer Info
Latest Review
PointerTony @ Buzztouch | 06/19/14 (v1.0)
Awesome idea and solution for developers! Can't wait for you to update the plugin to include Android. Great work!!! Tony @ Buzzotuch
More Information
This splash screen plugin allows your application to receive GeoFence notifications when your app is minimized or even when it is CLOSED!

Set up to 15 GeoFence locations with individual notifications by Latitude, Longitude, and Radius size.
When a users iPhone or iPad nears one of your locations, they will receive your notification message that opens your app when they tap on it, even if they tap it later from notification center.

Note: splash screens are a special kind of plugin because they are used in the Global Theme. You can only have ONE splash screen in your app.

"RD Simple Geofence" uses local notifications, so no third party push service subscriptions are needed.

You can check out the plugin in this cheesy video;


This plugin is based on David Books Splash Screen Plugin and the GeoFence Tutorial by Sam Keene at sdkboy.com

iOS Project
Requires iOS 8.3 and newer

Android Project
Not available for Android at this time.

Version History


NEW IN VERSION 4.0 - 3/27/17
Minor update to work with iOS 10 and BT 4.0



NEW IN VERSION 1.2 - 5/20/16
Minor update to work with iOS 8 to 9.3.2



Minor update to ready the plugin for BTcore 3.0


1.0 - 5/20/14 - Initial Release

{"itemId":"98040FCA686B83F8BE6A4D0", "itemType":"RD_simpleFence_splash”, "itemNickname":"GeoFence", "itemId":"98040FCA686B83F8BE6A4D0", "itemType":"RD_simpleFence", "itemNickname":"GeoFence", "navBarTitleText":"GeoFence", "title1":"Hoover Dam", "latitude1":"36.016066", "longitude1":"-114.737732", "radius1":"50"}