Menu Buttons Plus

buzztouch plugin: Menu Buttons Plus
Version: v1.3
BT4 Menu can show items for Android, iOS or both. Header image. rotation support, autosize layouts across different devices, auto-centre, grid, vertical or horizontal strip, button transitions effects (iOS), plus label text options & more.
works on iOS iOS
works on Android Android
Developer Info
You can write a review if...
  • You did not create the plugin yourself
  • You have installed this plugin in your control panel
  • You have not reviewed this version yet
  • You promise to provide constructive and courteous feedback

2 Reviews

Lost but trying
Reg: Apr 03, 2015
  01/17/16 08:28 AM (9 years ago)
Let me just say, I am the last to ever write a review. So with this in mind, writing this review means this is a really exceptional plug in. Perhaps it was what I have needed for a year, but that said it is absolutely spot on, works perfectly straight onto Android where I have a history of hissy fitting at the screen and solved all my issues instantly. My advice is if you are building menu's for android this is a must have. Thank you AlanMac.

(Now going back into my hole)
Aspiring developer
Reg: Aug 07, 2013
  12/09/15 06:58 AM (9 years ago)
Great Plugin, probably one of the most important screens in any of my apps, plugin does exactly what it sais, works straight out of the box with no fiddling.