buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 473
Reg: Jul 22, 2011
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06/03/18 03:17 PM (6 years ago)

xcode 11.4 - old apps he developer of this app needs to update it to work with iOS 11.

Hi Folks - Anyone running 11.4 & incorporating BT apps? If so, how's it running? I just updated it.. updated my device as well. made a few apps back in the day.. Those apps are gone (lol), they are there, icons & all. They still live on my device, but when clicked to open, it says "The developer of this app needs to update it to work with iOS 11." aye papi.
Code is Art
Posts: 35
Reg: Jul 17, 2011
06/04/18 09:35 AM (6 years ago)
Check this link: For me, I had to do everything again. The old apps don't work with bt4.03 Hope this helps.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 473
Reg: Jul 22, 2011
location unknow...
06/10/18 09:28 AM (6 years ago)
Thanks Gater- Yes, it was helpful and indeed confirmed what I believed was true, as unfortunate as that is. My favorite BT build was one that had the ability to play a sound, when a page loaded, I'm light years from being able to recreate that. I wonder where to begin on finding out..Lear and code it in Swift? . definitely something to look into for the future.
Code is Art
Posts: 35
Reg: Jul 17, 2011
06/17/18 11:47 AM (6 years ago)
The ability to play sounds is not there any more. For me is not that important. Just very very happy that every works. (no errors, no warnings) :) Although, Buzztouch could have more subscriptions options. Like been able to add more that 15 apps. ( I had to open a new account to add more apps ) Also, they should incorporate the plugins as a more expense subscription. (The way is now, I don't think is very motivating for the people that do plugins) Last, they should have a very expense subscription, like themes. (maybe an ecommerce subscription ). About Swift, maybe watch youtube videos or maybe try Lynda dot com to learn how to use Swift. Anyway, it will be nice to hear other opinions. :)
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 473
Reg: Jul 22, 2011
location unknow...
06/17/18 11:52 AM (6 years ago)
Agreed - more flexibility would be great. I've been experimenting with AR kit & blown away by the capabilities. I wish there was a way for BT to incorporate all the cool things you can do w/AR kit.. scene kit, etc. It's such a great platform- hope more attention is made in the future!

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