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Aspiring developer
Posts: 14
Reg: Jan 23, 2012
Santa Clarita
02/17/12 04:30 PM (12 years ago)

1st Post - How do I make a list?

Hi everyone, I'm a brand new user. I've been watching all the videos and toying with some of the features, but I can't seem to figure out how to do what I'm looking for... I'm trying to make a list (in the hundreds) that when you click on one of the words on the list it links to a page that gives information about that word. Example: Apple Orange Lemon Pear Clicking on apple goes to a simple text page that gives information about apples. The other thing I'm looking for is a user rating ability where the app users can give a simple 1 out of 10 rating for each item on the list. I'm sorry if this is incredibly easy, I'm just not seeing it on the list. Thank you for any help you guys can provide!
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
02/17/12 04:37 PM (12 years ago)
Hey @Slushy, Welcome to buzztouch! To create list screen, you just need to create a new app in your Control Panel, then add a List Menu screen. From that screen, you can add all the list items that you want, directly in the screen on buzztouch, or via JSON. So, first things first...are you able to find the place where you add the Menu List screen? Mark
Aspiring developer
Posts: 14
Reg: Jan 23, 2012
Santa Clarita
02/17/12 04:44 PM (12 years ago)
Hey Mark, In v1.5, I'm going to Manage Screens and Menus, and then I'm going to the drop down on the right side, but I'm not seeing a Menu List option. The closest thing I could think of was Custom HTML, Text. Am I even looking in the right area?
Aspiring developer
Posts: 14
Reg: Jan 23, 2012
Santa Clarita
02/17/12 04:49 PM (12 years ago)
Ah, I found it. I'm sorry for wasting your time, I think it was being cut off by my browser. I'm sure I'll have another question soon :)
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
02/17/12 04:58 PM (12 years ago)
No problem! Keep the questions coming...we've all been in your shoes at one point or another! If you are going to be creating a list of 100s of items, you might want to consider a couple things: * Think about creating a list of lists, to break it down into smaller chunks. Say, A-K, L-P, etc, then link to a list with those letters * Consider using JSON to populate the list instead of doing it manually in the control panel. If you look at the documentation for v1.5, you'll see the JSON format explained. Mark
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
02/17/12 09:37 PM (12 years ago)
Here's the specifics about List Menu and JSON: http://www.buzztouch.com/docs/v1.5/screen_menuList.php Mark

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