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Aspiring developer
Posts: 2
Reg: Jan 15, 2016
01/16/16 04:56 PM (8 years ago)

Hello Everyone

My name is Robert and I'm a dean/science teacher/technology coordinator at a middle school for the NYC public school system. I always seem to come up with ideas for apps/software that die out due to the fact I lack the knowledge to create it. I just stumbled upon this web site last night and I'm looking forward to learning the ropes and building my first of many apps. Seems like I've come to the right place from what I've read in other posts. Look forward to gaining knowledge from the members here. Robert
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
01/16/16 10:12 PM (8 years ago)
Hi Robert, Welcome to Buzztouch! You are in good company...there are several other educators here that are doing amazing things with Buzztouch and their classes. Make sure to check out the How-To section for good tips on getting stated. I also have a YouTube channel that will get you going : https://www.youtube.com/user/gonorthwest And of course, this is the most amazing community anywhere, so don't hesitate to post your questions! Welcome! Mark
Susan Metoxen
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 1706
Reg: May 01, 2011
Hopkins, Minnes...
01/18/16 10:49 PM (8 years ago)
We have a lot of teachers; in fact, we had a group called Buzztouch educators for a long time. I still have some of our work on a domain, buzztoucheducators.com, but I plan to let it expire soon.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 2
Reg: Jan 15, 2016
01/20/16 08:05 AM (8 years ago)
I'll check that out- Thank you! I think the apps I want to create are too in depth for me to create using this technique. I couldn't even get my app to run in the simulator this past weekend. I also have three kids that require all my time when I am home and nothing will stand in the way of that as I'm sure other parents on here agree with.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
01/20/16 08:09 AM (8 years ago)
Please don't give up! Once you get the hang of things, it all goes pretty easily. Did you have problems with iOS or Android? And, with two kids myself, I totally understand where you're coming from! Mark
Susan Metoxen
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 1706
Reg: May 01, 2011
Hopkins, Minnes...
01/20/16 08:45 AM (8 years ago)
So true. I would say the difficulty level is about the same as making a Wordpress website. The hardest thing is compiling the app, but there are some great resources to help with that. Mark's videos are the best.

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