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Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
03/02/17 09:56 AM (7 years ago)

Add Pull to refresh Custom URL Android?

Several apps implement a pull down to refresh feature in a webview, which I'd like to be able to add to custom url, to allow refresh from an external URL without a button. Looking at Android, there appears to be several examples on the interweb describing how to do it by implementing SwipeRefreshLayout. Here is one example http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25178329/recyclerview-and-swiperefreshlayout I am not sure using this approach is the best way for a buzztouch plugin; if it is, then I haven't had any success with it as I don't know where to add the code. Any suggestions? I think this would be a great addition for everybody.

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