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I hate code!
Posts: 20
Reg: Jan 09, 2012
Katonah, N.Y.
02/16/12 11:06 PM (12 years ago)

When I click on tabs in emulator nothing happens ie. cannot click to that tap - doing something wrong. Here is dump of config url

Here is the code from config url my sense is it is something to do with sample.html. I am a newbie and not a coder - hate it. This is like peeling layers off an onion. I am led to believe Buzztouch is for non-programmers. Am I wrong? Any suggestions on what the problem could be. {BT_appConfig: { BT_items:[ {itemId:EAB3932704E59773E457CD459, itemType:BT_app, buzztouchAppId:EAB3932704E59773E457CD459, buzztouchAPIKey:9B08A5E8C61B2646FE055F2, dataURL:http://www.buzztouch.com/appdata/v1.5.php?command=getAppData&appGuid=EAB3932704E59773E457CD459&apiKey=9B08A5E8C61B2646FE055F2, reportToCloudURL:http://www.buzztouch.com/appdata/v1.5.php?command=reportToCloud&appGuid=EAB3932704E59773E457CD459&apiKey=9B08A5E8C61B2646FE055F2&deviceId=[deviceId]&deviceLatitude=[deviceLatitude]&deviceLongitude=[deviceLongitude]&deviceModel=[deviceModel]&userId=[userId], name:GetSeniorApps v2, version:1.5, startLocationUpdates:0, allowRotation:largeDevicesOnly, BT_themes:[{itemId:70BE42BFABD1C0679819AFB, itemType:BT_theme, itemNickname:SeniorAppsTheme, splashScreenItemId:, statusBarStyle:default, navBarStyle:solid, toolbarStyle:solid, backgroundColor:#FFFFFF, listStyle:round, preventAllScrolling:0, listBackgroundColor:#FFFFFF} ], BT_tabs:[{itemId:8C85F1D0A4118BECA33D46D, itemType:BT_tab, textLabel:Idea, iconName:blank.png, homeScreenItemId:BFED577EB9F1490061AD8F0}, {itemId:11D71F759D19A655D6203EC, itemType:BT_tab, textLabel:SeniorApps, iconName:blank.png, homeScreenItemId:08F7207A78E6EDEAB345809}, {itemId:39021F5387337ADE0EB66AB, itemType:BT_tab, textLabel:SeniorApps Store, iconName:blank.png, homeScreenItemId:30A18D910EA6EF31015EBF7}, {itemId:C1005C4012D7B35E6366887, itemType:BT_tab, textLabel:Is There An App For, iconName:blank.png, homeScreenItemId:24723A55680B229C1459324}, {itemId:A80DF8ADCC015875BFA0F68, itemType:BT_tab, textLabel:SeniorApps Blog, iconName:blank.png, homeScreenItemId:DF7C14411F70B408F8FF1A2} ], BT_screens:[{itemNickname:I Need an App For.., itemId:5503D462D1C5AE68979477A, itemType:BT_screen_webView, navBarTitleText:I Need an App For.., localFileName:sample.html}, {itemNickname:Idea (2), itemId:BFED577EB9F1490061AD8F0, itemType:BT_screen_webView, dataURL:http://youtu.be/yre9rwimj9E?hd=1, navBarTitleText:Idea, showBrowserBarBack:1, showBrowserBarRefresh:1, showBrowserBarLaunchInNativeApp:1, forceRefresh:1, preventAllScrolling:0, hideVerticalScrollBar:0, hideHorizontalScrollBar:0, preventScrollBounce:0, preventUserInteraction:0, hideFromSearch:0, includeAds:0}, {itemNickname:SeniorApps Store, itemId:30A18D910EA6EF31015EBF7, itemType:BT_screen_webView, dataURL:http://www.buzztouch.com/appdata/sample.html, statusBarStyle:transparent, navBarTitleText:SeniorApps Store, preventAllScrolling:0, hideVerticalScrollBar:0, preventUserInteraction:0, hideFromSearch:0, includeAds:0}, {itemNickname:App Categories, itemId:9A3B22FA454A372D931512F, itemType:BT_screen_webView, navBarTitleText:App Categories, localFileName:sample.html}, {itemNickname:SeniorApps, itemId:08F7207A78E6EDEAB345809, itemType:BT_screen_webView, dataURL:http://www.buzztouch.com/appdata/sample.html, navBarTitleText:Apps For Seniors, preventAllScrolling:0, preventUserInteraction:0, hideFromSearch:0, includeAds:0}, {itemNickname:Contact Us, itemId:AB3301A5B9616CDEA2044B9, itemType:BT_screen_webView, dataURL:http://www.buzztouch.com/appdata/sample.html, navBarTitleText:Contact Us, hideFromSearch:0, includeAds:0}, {itemNickname:Is There An App For.., itemId:24723A55680B229C1459324, itemType:BT_screen_webView, dataURL:http://www.buzztouch.com/appdata/sample.html, navBarTitleText:Is There An App For.., hideFromSearch:0, includeAds:0}, {itemNickname:SeniorApps Blog, itemId:DF7C14411F70B408F8FF1A2, itemType:BT_screen_webView, dataURL:http://www.buzztouch.com/appdata/sample.html, navBarTitleText:SeniorApps Blog, hideFromSearch:0, includeAds:0} ] } ] } } I feel this is way to much detail for a non-programmer (Right Brain thinkers) to get involved in to figure out what is causing the problem. IMHO, Buzztouch we (right brain thinkers) need WYSIWYG tools. Case in point: conduit.com. iBuildApp.com. I know, I know, buzztouch gives you the flexibility that other app building sites based on cookie cutter implementations can't duplicate and that is why users of buzztouch must go through this threshold of pain. At the end of the day,you will be better served and increase your app building skills in the process to create any app you can think of with out limitations. I don't believe I just said that. I guess deep down inside I want to become a buzztouch believer for all man/woman kind regardless of their tendency toward right or left brain thinking. :)
I hate code!
Posts: 20
Reg: Jan 09, 2012
Katonah, N.Y.
02/17/12 12:20 AM (12 years ago)
Mark Fleming helped me out on this. The config.txt and console txt was not in sync updated the config.txt file to be in sync. Reran app Now emulator says There was a problem in loading the app's config data. Error log shows: Invalid preference page path: XML Syntax So what is wrong with the config.txt above.
I hate code!
Posts: 20
Reg: Jan 09, 2012
Katonah, N.Y.
02/17/12 12:27 AM (12 years ago)
Note; I cut from the console txt (buzztouch) and paste into the bt_config.txt.(Eclipse) Did I miss something e.g. bracket when I did that step?
Fred@mySkylla com
Android Fan
Posts: 5259
Reg: Oct 03, 2011
location unknow...
02/17/12 12:55 AM (12 years ago)
What are you trying to do? Fred

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