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I hate code!
Posts: 24
Reg: Feb 11, 2015
03/21/15 02:33 AM (9 years ago)

Customized plugin

Is the a place in the forum where I can get programmers to build me a customized plugin. And how much can I expect to pay for a rss feed reader
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
03/21/15 03:02 AM (9 years ago)
You might check out the ones in the Plugin Market before contracting out something. Just go to the Plugin Market Page (https://www.buzztouch.com/plugins/) and do a page search from the browser that contains RSS. There is one for iOS, one for Android, and a few variants. Cheers! -- Smug
Veteran developer
Posts: 998
Reg: Oct 13, 2012
03/21/15 06:51 AM (9 years ago)
There does not seem to be any part of these forums specially devoted to hiring a programmer, you just publish it and it appears on the top of all threads. That should be sufficient for the possibly interested programmer to contact you. If you want to spend money for an app, I'd suggest first becoming a member here. That would give you more weight, so to speak, showing your commitment, and would also enable you to have a self hosted BT server. Without it, you are making the task of a would be programmer more difficult. I second the idea of looking at the existing plugins and buying one or more of them before doing anything else. Once you have tried them, you will be in a better position to explain to the programmer what you want and what you do not want in your version of the plugin. And it may also happen that the existing plugins are quite sufficient in the first place, you won't know until you tried them. The programmer will also have that plugin and its source code, so you would be on the same page with the programmer. That is very important, as there can be no successful plugin making without a project and a goal first. You should write as detailed a project as you can, and you must state the goal, so the programmer knows when the job is finished. Sometimes a single word means a lot. Once I was hired to create a plugin that downloads an MP3 file and plays it. When I finished it, the client said: "Oh, I want it to play non stop, even when you leave the app." So I scratched everything I wrote up to that point and had another round of coding, for the same amount of money, so to speak. (For the technically minded, the first version was written as a fragment, the second version was written as a service in Android.) In case of an RSS plugin, the difficulties might arise if you wanted to commission a general RSS plugin, one that could read each and every RSS feed out there. For best results, you should specify the exact feeds that you want your plugin to be able to read and enter them as a part of the plugin initial specification. As for the money involved, that will differ wildly. I see people here being paid 100 dollars per plugin, then some are paid $300, some are requiring $500 and getting the deal, and if you want someone to write you an entire app with 5-10 separate and original plugins, that may well end up in lower four figures. You will never know until you start negotiating. Unless it is someone that I have already been working before, I insist on down payment -- the entire amount in advance. Again, there are no rules. In any case, be prepared to spend a lot of time working with the programmer. Usually, it is through email and Skype, but there are other channels as well. You must have your own vision of the finished plugin and may want to impress that on the programmer, however, you must also respect what the programmer has to say. Some things are not (easily) possible on Android although they may be readily available on iOS, and vice versa. Allocate at least several weeks for the plugin to be ready for production. 3-5 days for the initial effort, 3-5 days for the coding and testing, 3-5 days for writing documentation, something like that. If there are nasty surprises along the way, it may take much longer. You should already be proficient with various aspects of BT development cycle. I suggest you have at least one Android app published before commissioning anything, so that you and the developer are on the same page right from the start. After all, you are commissioning one plugin only and that will have to fit with the rest of the BT app. Programmers are often not that great at design, or do not want to get involved with it, so you will have to supply your own design for the app -- the color scheme, icons, menus and options etc. The programmer has to be given an icon, they will not develop it for you just because they can. In the end, commissioning a plugin is a business decision. It must fit into your business plan for the app, and if it cannot, don't commission anything until you can prove to yourself that the existence of the new plugin will turn tables into your favor in the app stores. Republished on my blog: http://duskosavic.com/blog/programming/how-to-hire-a-programmer-for-a-new-plugin-in-buzztouch-framework/
I hate code!
Posts: 24
Reg: Feb 11, 2015
03/21/15 07:12 AM (9 years ago)
Thank u guys this is really helpful,by the way the app is already in the play store I wrote it myself it was really simple,but it took me too long to complete,and yes I already have specific feeds that the reader displays I just wanted the users to choose from the categories already given to them which feeds do they want and get push notifications when something new is published from those feeds
Veteran developer
Posts: 998
Reg: Oct 13, 2012
03/21/15 07:30 AM (9 years ago)
>I just wanted the users to choose from the categories already given to them which feeds do they want If the RSS feeds do not change, you should be able to do it with Buzztouch menus, easily. As for the push notifications, that does not seem to work on Android, yet. David Book is assembling a new generation of BT software, so push notification will work, but not today. Still, what you want can be accomplished through "normal" notifications. In the starting part of code, you poll a server somewhere on the Internet and if it says there is something new, you show a notification to the user. If coded as a service, it should be able to poll periodically and thus create a notification "out of thin air". If that is what you had in mind, that is.
I hate code!
Posts: 24
Reg: Feb 11, 2015
03/21/15 08:04 AM (9 years ago)
Thank u,thank u thank u,you far too kind. Upon installation I want the user choose from the menu which category of feeds do they want. And then only those feeds should appear,and later if they decide to add a category to be able to do that.
Veteran developer
Posts: 998
Reg: Oct 13, 2012
03/21/15 08:50 AM (9 years ago)
>I want the user choose from the menu which category of feeds do they want That is what menus are for, no problem with Buzztouch, you define them in the control panel for the plugin. >then only those feeds should appear, Of course, that is another layer of menus and options, once again, no problem if the number of feeds do not change in time. >later if they decide to add a category to be able to do that Well, you cannot do that from control panel, only the user can do that on their device. If they have added a feed, the app should store it in a database, then retrieve it from the database as a menu, with options that can change as the user sees fit. For this you must resort to coding, and only for that would you need a new plugin to be commissioned. Provided I understood you correctly in the first place.
I hate code!
Posts: 24
Reg: Feb 11, 2015
03/21/15 11:48 AM (9 years ago)
Dusko thank u,I really appreciate the advice u gave me. And again thank u
Veteran developer
Posts: 998
Reg: Oct 13, 2012
03/21/15 12:17 PM (9 years ago)
You are welcome. When you get your new app ready, let us know!
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 348
Reg: Apr 03, 2012
03/22/15 01:33 PM (9 years ago)
Add to favourites plugin might also help!

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