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Veteran developer
Posts: 998
Reg: Oct 13, 2012
06/06/15 12:29 AM (9 years ago)

Devising And Building An App For Apple Watch in 6.5 Hours

http://techcrunch.com/2015/06/05/heres-whats-involved-in-devising-and-building-an-app/ The article starts: "Building an app isn’t just coming up with an idea and then coding (or finding someone to code it for you). There’s a lot involved in the end-to-end process that you wouldn’t necessarily think about when you’re idly dreaming about making one yourself. Developer David Smith, who created the much-loved Pedometer++, as well as Emoji++, Feed Wrangler and many more, has created a video that walks viewers through the process. It’s an interesting look at making a lightweight app from start to finish, beginning with identifying the need or pain point that he wants to address (in this case making it easy to create a list of favorite locations for easy retrieval in navigation apps both on the Apple Watch and on the phone), and then compressing the total coding time in a sped-up video clip." Watch the video clip, it will also illuminate you about Apple Watch, what it is good for and why it is the next best thing since sliced bread. NOTE This is NOT about building an app with Buzztouch!
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 659
Reg: Sep 22, 2012
Perth, Australi...
06/06/15 01:05 AM (9 years ago)
Great topic Dusko, Funny enough I was just discussing that today with a very experienced app developer. For sure I think is the next best thing, but I advise anyone thinking of doing a watch app for their app to use a watch for a good few weeks to determine what is the best way to implement it. I am advising all my old and existing clients how they can use the Apple watch and generating some more revenue from those jobs. Look forward to hearing everyones ideas on this

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