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Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
11/21/13 09:37 AM (10 years ago)

Avoid Android graphics related crashes

I recently started a new app, which was just fine on IOS, but I designed it to work for Android as well, but there it kept crashing on me. I thought it was me not quite getting to grips with the recent upgrade, but it wasn't. When I start a new development, I create a base build for my device, then I upload all my content to the control panel and reference that as a URL. This includes any graphics. I use this technique for speeding up the development (you may too) - this was causing the problem. What I found was that the Android app version didn't like referencing the graphics as URL's at all! But when I moved the exact same graphics into the Android project build, it went all stable on me! I think the thing that made the real difference was moving the banner image for the advanced menu with image. I just wanted to share, just in case somebody else is pulling their hair out with the same issue. Is this a fixable bug? Alan

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