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buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2251
Reg: Feb 22, 2012
01/02/14 08:35 AM (10 years ago)

If you have any issues with my plugins

Hi I'm Kittsy, I've been knocking about on here for just short of 2 years. I create plugins and contribute to this forum. I would personally regard my self as a pretty helpful guy on here. I don't make apps just plugins in my spare time whilst teaching myself a bit of code. I receive around 50 emails a day from Buzztouch users and usually reply to them within a few days, with support, fixes or code advice. I don't make much from the plugins I build, and I spend a hell of alot of time modding and creating truely different, pretty and functional plugins for the market. I update these plugins with what the community wants and the private client wants. If you have any issues contact me directly, PM me or use my email [email protected] You can ask for fixes on the forum but not many on the forum may use my plugins and may even just guess there way trhough it. I will answer honestly with the capabilities and ofefr fixes i possible or even updates, customizability. Please don't post you concerns using the review system, 1. I may not see it 2. Giving me a low rating because you can't figure out how to use it 3. You canot ammend your review, I never had a chance to fix or help so this gives the plugin a bad rep, thus lower sales. I don't make money on here, I stop making plugins. I'm an open and honest guy, I wear my heart and code on my sleeve. If the plugin don't work and I just ignore your pleas for help then fair do's one star me to death. On another note if you buy the plugin and it makes your app a world beater then review it not just mine every developers. Plugin developers spend alot of time creating and supporting there creations. Please give us time and constructive feedback. Sorry for a negative sounding post, but I create for the good of the community, I don't hide from emails or posts. Happy New Year
Joe Sprott
Code is Art
Posts: 414
Reg: Aug 20, 2011
Melbourne, FL
01/02/14 08:54 AM (10 years ago)
Right on Kittsy, well said Joe
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
01/02/14 09:15 AM (10 years ago)
Understand every word. And concur. Cheers! -- Smug
Code is Art
Posts: 2082
Reg: May 14, 2011
01/02/14 09:17 AM (10 years ago)
Yeah I agree. Sorry about your frustration
Red Dog
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 805
Reg: Jun 16, 2011
Southern Califo...
01/02/14 09:25 AM (10 years ago)
Kittsy is spot on. Questions about the code or understanding the use of the plugin should go to the developer first and then to the forum for help before leaving a poor review.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 960
Reg: Oct 20, 2011
01/02/14 02:57 PM (10 years ago)
Maybe the reviews themselves need to be reviewed before getting posted. I saw the negative review that I'm pretty sure inspired this thread, and I've gotta say it's completely ridiculous and should be deleted. "This is hard, I can't figure it out" (paraphrasing) isn't a review. I can definitely understand the frustration.
Lost but trying
Posts: 574
Reg: Oct 21, 2013
location unknow...
01/02/14 09:53 PM (10 years ago)
I've seen this tactic on other marketplaces where the purchaser is quick to give a negative rating knowing that it will elicit a response from the creator, either to answer their questions, or simply want things done for themselves without troubleshooting or at least give the creator time to resolve the issue offline. There should be some type of text field or radio button that the person making the review selects, I have attempted to resolve my issue with the developer.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1853
Reg: Apr 12, 2012
01/03/14 04:17 AM (10 years ago)
Not being able to figure it out, is not even a problem with the plugin. Developer does not have the responsibility of teaching users how to use the plugins. although that kind of support does exist here in BT. Cheers Kittsy.

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