Discussion Forums  >  WebViews and HTML for Mobile

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Lost but trying
Posts: 3
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
12/04/13 03:56 PM (10 years ago)

won't zoom out on webview HELP

Hi there, As part of my app I am putting a webview of our website (this is not the main part of the app). When it displays it is huge and it will not allow me to zoom out to see the page it will only allow zoom in. I am using the customURL page type. is there a setting I am missing? Thanks heaps!
I hate code!
Posts: 33
Reg: Aug 09, 2012
Salisbury NC
12/10/13 12:26 PM (10 years ago)
In the website index file, do you have anything in the "meta" area about the "viewport"????? It also sounds like the website is set to a fixed width rather than a responsive width, which would make it initially small on the mobile device, then allow zooming. Cheers.

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