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Aspiring developer
Posts: 25
Reg: Jun 25, 2013
New York
10/12/17 04:08 AM (6 years ago)

Radio.co Integration

I'm currently operating a radio station on Radio.co. I have the embed code for my radio player which I embeded into my html page here. I previously worked with CP Stream but it doesn't allow the flexibility I need. I've had the app for a while now, The app is already approved and in the Google store, but it has suddenly stopped working. I can see the player in the app. I can see all the images and texts but there is no sound. How do I get the sound back?
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
10/12/17 07:13 AM (6 years ago)
The base level for the CP Stream plugin was API 8, if I remember correctly. If the device you're using won't honor an API that old, there might not be much you can do but to update the app with newer code. Cookup would need to release an update, but I haven't heard from him for a bit, so there's no schedule on when any new code could be expected. As such, I have nothing to contribute, other than I am looking at this: http://www.schillmania.com/projects/soundmanager2/ as a solution to my similar radio station app streaming problem. My plan was to place the files on my hosting solution, and then use a CustomURL on the BT side. It might work for you. Fingers crossed. And good luck! Cheers! -- Smug

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