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Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
12/01/15 07:24 PM (8 years ago)

Update to Smug Location Menu: v2.0

I updated the Smug Location Menu. There was an illegal character that eclipse didn't seem to mind, but verbotten in Android Studio. Also, added notes to help configure the plugin for use in Android Studio. Until plugins are 'built' for Android Studio (ETA unknown), some editing (in the project, not the plugin) to your build.gradle file must be performed for it to work. Those notes are included in the read me. I hate releasing 'v2.0' because as I grew up in software, there were 3 numbers: 1.0.0 = Major Revision, Minor Revision, Bug Fix. However we only use two numbers for ours, so after v1.9, I had to increment to v2. But there is no 'major' changes. Cheers! -- Smug

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