I hate code!
Posts: 87
Reg: May 12, 2013
06/22/14 11:58 PM (10 years ago)

What plugin should I use

Hi guys, I need some advises here. I want to make an app that basically has a form of text box and check box that user can choose and type in, then submit it. Normally, I will juse urldocument plugin and just link it to my html website, then everything will be done in my website. But it has a drawback is when there is no internet connection, this url screen will just be blank or connection error screen, which I should avoid. So I wonder is there any other screen that I can use for this purpose ? I can safe data in mobile and later when having internet connection, user can submit it to server? And is there user login plugin available also ? Thanks a lot !
Code is Art
Posts: 3862
Reg: Aug 10, 2012
Austin, TX
06/23/14 05:50 AM (10 years ago)
Check out my Easy Forms plugin and my Ultimate Screen Creator plugin. Both should let you do this. -------------------------------
I hate code!
Posts: 87
Reg: May 12, 2013
06/23/14 07:32 PM (10 years ago)
I checked the plugin you suggested and I just want to confirm, is any of these support checkbox ? if user want to upload picture, is there a button for that too ? and is there a function to email some body upon an event happens? If not, what is the tool available for that ?

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