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Lost but trying
Posts: 174
Reg: Jan 22, 2014
10/02/14 03:14 AM (9 years ago)

App Idea-Suggestions and advice

Hello all. I want to first thank everyone for your continued help during my app making journey! I had an idea for another app but needed some feedback and suggestions to see if its possible as my skills are moderate still. I wanted to create an app that has photo sharing capability, but more like in terms of something like craiglist that a person and can take a photo and share within a certain category, location, etc. So it would need the ability to allow user to take photo, add description, location, and category, and then upload to I guess a type of database that gets updated. So as another user I would be able to select a category and check listings in my area. I would also like to have the ability to have people share their listing with others via email,Facebook, twitter, etc. So yes a lot like craigslist/coupon/deals apps but its more geared towards retail not greatly advertised. Any help and code/plugin suggestions appreciatd! Thanks!
Veteran developer
Posts: 998
Reg: Oct 13, 2012
10/02/14 04:36 AM (9 years ago)
>to see if its possible This is certainly possible, but using Buzztouch as a coding platform, not as a tool for direct app creation. That is, you can start making such an app with buzztouch and it will carry you on for a while, until you have a need for a database. That is where the headaches start. If you are on iOS, you may count yourself lucky, as the number of plugins that you will need is greater there than on Android. There should be a database plugin for iOS already in the plugin market and you will have little trouble posting on Facebook and Twitter. For the Android, such support is lacking, so you may start exploring hiring a coder right away. It goes without saying but I'll still say it: in this case, app is a just a tool to achieve something else, sell more through retail, affiliate marketing and whatever have you. Make sure you create a business project first, with some kind of "proof" that the app will sell and / or help sell more for a brand or physical store. Only then dive into the technicalities of app creation.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2943
Reg: Jul 11, 2012
10/02/14 09:59 AM (9 years ago)
You can use Flickr to host the photos. You can use Parse to be your master database. You will need a customized plugin or two. Several folks on this forum can be your developer. -- Niraj

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