Summer Weather
Aspiring developer
Posts: 18
Reg: Nov 18, 2011
Newport Beach, ...
09/24/15 01:54 PM (8 years ago)

Generating APK issue

PROBLEM: I downloaded my v3.0 Android project from my Buzztouch control Panel and am trying to generate my APK file. However, I’m getting many of the same errors like this: [No resource found that matches the given name attr ‘android.layout.toEndOf”] error. For fun, I just tried one of my old projects from the Buzztouch control panel and I noticed some changes. No more offering of the different download types (v3.0 is what I’ve been using) and it now says: Package Android Studio Project. Anyway, I was able to create my APK file in less than a minute with this file. QUESTION: Do I need to update my Control Panel to accommodate some kind of file structure change?
Android Fan
Posts: 2017
Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
09/24/15 03:45 PM (8 years ago)
Its part of the layout can just remove it.its not really needed. That usually happens if you're using eclipse package still. Updating the plugins is good still though it wouldn't necessarily fix it.
Summer Weather
Aspiring developer
Posts: 18
Reg: Nov 18, 2011
Newport Beach, ...
09/24/15 08:47 PM (8 years ago)
I'm using Android Studio. I deleted the layout file in Android Studio and it didn't seem to work. Do you have any recommendations on how to delete the file that I might be over looking? You think it'd make a difference if I deleted it before importing it to Android Studio?
Android Fan
Posts: 2017
Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
09/24/15 08:50 PM (8 years ago)
You just need to delete the line that gives you an error, not the whole layout file. It should've clear,my bad.
David @ buzztouch
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 6866
Reg: Jan 01, 2010
Monterey, CA
09/24/15 09:29 PM (8 years ago)
@Summer Weather (coolest screen name ever BTW)... As you're well aware, Android Studio's a giant pain sometimes. Packges, versions, Java Runtime, etc. Your a daring sole introducing all of this to the 9th graders. Good stuff. In terms of your's difficult to know what's causing this. The layout file @CMCOFFEE mentions isn't known. In other words, what layout file? What plugin / file is causing all these issues? I'm not sure the project itself is the trouble at all, it looks more like an Andorid Studio + Android Packages combination error. Lots has to work together to get a project to build. Things like android:textAppearance:material:inverse...those are built in Android things, not part of your project. If they can't be found you've got somethign else going on. I'm sure you've pulled your hair out a ton and I'm sure it's all a bit mysterious - it always seems to be with Android! I'm happy to jump online (can even do that now if you want) in a GoToMeeting or whatever and see if we can work this out on your machine. Also, if you want, I'm happy to Skype / FaceTime with your class if you want. Not sure how much of a charge they would get outta that or not? Just sayin' I'll be hacking away for another few hours tonight, let me know if I should setup a GoToMeeting so we can screen share :-) David
Android Fan
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Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
09/25/15 06:42 AM (8 years ago)
Apple Fan
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Reg: Nov 08, 2011
09/25/15 07:39 AM (8 years ago)
can't help here, but love to see David´s full support on this. Feels like the good old days again ;-)
David @ buzztouch
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 6866
Reg: Jan 01, 2010
Monterey, CA
09/25/15 07:41 PM (8 years ago)
@LeonG: I know what you mean! In thinking about this, I'll be @Summer Weather's self hosted panel is downloading Android Projects suitable for Eclipse and Android Studio is freaking out trying to open them. The BT control panel prepares an Android Studio project...while SOME self hosted panels still prepare Eclipse projects. Hmm. We'll see if @Summer Weather's get back and go from there.
Summer Weather
Aspiring developer
Posts: 18
Reg: Nov 18, 2011
Newport Beach, ...
09/27/15 04:11 PM (8 years ago)
In my self hosted control panel back in June, I had an app that I created an APK file in Android Studio with. Just had to add Google Play Services in Project Structure and then Generate Signed APK. I just tried to take that same unchanged app and create an APK file and now it won't do it. Get that same error I mentioned above: [No resource found that matches the given name attr ‘android.layout.toEndOf”] error I'm thinking something changed over the summer. To try to figure out what's wrong, I created two identical apps. One in my Buzztouch control panel and one in my self hosted control panel. No screens or anything, I just titled the app. I did have to add an icon in my self hosted panel because it's required in order to compile the file.
Summer Weather
Aspiring developer
Posts: 18
Reg: Nov 18, 2011
Newport Beach, ...
09/29/15 12:56 PM (8 years ago)
Shut down my self hosted control panel and now looking forward to the new changes. Thanks.

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