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Aspiring developer
Posts: 31
Reg: Jun 17, 2013
06/20/13 07:09 AM (11 years ago)

Please help me to start loving BuzzTouch again. Discouraged in New Mexico.

Hi All: I started using buzztouch a few weeks ago and immediately fell in love with it. However, a few apps later, I am very disappointed in the results of nearly everything I have made. A simple thing like playing a video does not seem to work. Even a simple button that when clicked brings in a website gives me fits. Is this just issues with the Android development, or is it issues with the buzztoch code. When I compile the app, there are never any errors and it installs fine, it just always has some kind of quirk that makes it seem very unprofessional. Please help me to be a buzztouch enthusiast again. Thanks.
Jake Chasan
Veteran developer
Posts: 1685
Reg: May 13, 2011
location unknow...
06/20/13 07:45 AM (11 years ago)
@EMNM: I am sorry you are experiencing problems with the Buzztouch Platform. If you are developing for Android, a whole new look is coming to Buzztouch apps in about two weeks. You can keep building your existing apps, and download the new source code and your app will have a new, more updated look. If you are trying to play video, have you tried to stream from YouTube or Vimeo? Sometimes the best solution can be to load a Custom URL to the video, or to embed it into either a Custom Text or HTML Doc page. Sometimes App Development is a hard field. My first 5 apps were rejected by Apple, and I could not believe it because I had tried my best. I encourage you to stick with apps, do not give up. Are you Android only, or do you have plans to develop for iOS? I hope this helps, Jake
Aspiring developer
Posts: 31
Reg: Jun 17, 2013
06/20/13 08:00 AM (11 years ago)
Thank you. I'll keep developing, just had to let off steam. If I purchase the self hosted plan now, will I need to reinstall when the new look comes out, or will the new look automatically be available on my self hosted site, since the api's come from your server?
Code is Art
Posts: 221
Reg: Mar 06, 2012
06/20/13 08:28 AM (11 years ago)
Hello EMNM, Once you get used to the site it will become much easier. One thing that will help you a lot, and this has been my own experience, is going through the lessons in Buzztouch University. I´ve noticed you have no stars in your profile and that means you haven´t completed them. Take a little time off and go over those lessons. It will help you greatly! Don´t get discouraged and keep pressing on. We all have struggle when we started, regardless of background and experience. This always happens. Good luck and hope to see at least 2 stars in your profile soon. The introductoy lesson and the android one will get you going. Welcome to BT! Pancho.
Android Fan
Posts: 43
Reg: Jun 01, 2013
Whanganui, New ...
06/21/13 12:08 AM (11 years ago)
I just want too say, I also fell in love with this site and still do. I am going the long way first by slowly doing the buzztouch U learning first and looking at the forum at what others have to offer, problems, how they fix them and so on. I'm not the brightest person so things take me alot longer to understand than normal people. Learning the Buzztouch U learning is really helping me understand another language. I can see in a few months how my apps and web site will look. I've never really ever used a forum before because I always knew what I wanted, this forum and the people who help others for me is a game changer. My web site will almost likely be forum based because it works so good to help people. Lastly as my mum used to say, you need to crawl before you walk. I'm still crawling but I have Buzztouch U learning and a forum to help :):):).
Aspiring developer
Posts: 31
Reg: Jun 17, 2013
06/21/13 11:23 AM (11 years ago)
Well, here goes... I have an apology to make. First of all, I have been a website developer for about 20 years now. Not much I can't do in html, php, sql, and the like. So when I decided to start making android apps (the wave of the future), I just assumed I would learn quickly. When I didn't, I moaned about it here. Just remember, my coffee pot stopped working so I had no coffee for the day. Then Pancho suggested something that was way above my understanding. Read the directions! Wow, what a concept. But it's kind of like men asking for directions, right? I put aside my unearned arrogance and completed the lessons Pancho suggested and a light went on. I watched each lesson several times and it made all the difference in the world. I also went through google to find a mind staggering amount of useful info as well. No, I am definitely NOT an expert (yet). In fact, I am on the lowest rung of the ladder, but in just one day I have been able to track down and fix everything that wasn't working with the help of the information contained within the BuzzTouch website. I am purchasing the self hosting plan today and will be forever grateful to BuzzTouch and especially the community of devoted members who help encourage the newbies every day. Thanks again
Code is Art
Posts: 221
Reg: Mar 06, 2012
06/22/13 09:23 AM (11 years ago)
Good for you! I see two stars now... and your spirits are up again. Congratulations! Best regards, Pancho

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