Discussion Forums  >  Maps, Device Location, Tracking

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Lost but trying
Posts: 6
Reg: Jul 01, 2013
07/03/13 09:38 AM (11 years ago)

Extra information for locations

Hi all, I've tried searching the forums to answer this but every search came up with nothing, so I'm having to resort to asking you wonderful people what I should do. What I want to do in my iOS app is have multiple locations come up on a map then when the user taps on a pin I can get an extra screen up with further information (hopefully the link below will clarify this a little, it's a random map image but it shows something similar to what I'd like to do). I've tried making a HTML (both custom and normal) page but all that appears in the simulator is a white screen, even after entering very basic information. I even typed it up in Dreamweaver and pasted the code in, but this had the same effect. I don't know if this is also related but I'd also like to let users input their own locations, rate places etc. This would ideally be on the map and within the extra information page (after tapping on a location pin). As I'm new to this I don't really know what to do. I've been thinking about it all day, but I haven't done much more than scratch my head and see my failed efforts with HTML! Any help would be greatly appreciated, and if something isn't clear please say so and I'll do my best to clarify things. http://venturebeat.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/apple-maps-fail.jpg?w=558&h=492
Code is Art
Posts: 221
Reg: Mar 06, 2012
07/03/13 10:41 AM (11 years ago)
Hi mcjoeker, In the Map plug-in itself you have an extra line to include a line of info. You want to include an .html form of info, not a single line? Interesting... In the second column of (Map plug-in) of "Map Locations" you have 2 choices: 1) Callout Window Tap Action 2) Load Screen With Nickname In the first one, choose "Callout Window Tap Action" In the second one choose "Load Screen With Nickname" and select the screen (html form) you need. I haven´t try it but I guess it could work! Regards, -Pancho
Lost but trying
Posts: 6
Reg: Jul 01, 2013
07/03/13 04:34 PM (11 years ago)
Hi Pancho, thanks for your reply! I don't really want HTML, but I don't see any other option with the plugins available on BT. I may be completely wrong though. All I really want is a way to get from the tap action to another page with extra information. I have tried linking it to a HTML page (with some words on it), but each time I ran it in the simulator all I got was a blank screen. So I'm stumped Regards Joe
Code is Art
Posts: 221
Reg: Mar 06, 2012
07/03/13 06:40 PM (11 years ago)
Hi mcjoeker, No, you're not. It's just that you're unfamiliar with the process. We all go through the same thing. The instructions are the same. In thescreen that you created for your map, you have gone through the creation of the location, right? In the same place where you specify your location in the section "Map Locations" you have to do the following: In the second (middle) column of ( "Map Locations") you have 2 choices: 1) Callout Window Tap Action 2) Load Screen With Nickname In the first one, choose "Callout Window Tap Action" (of the location or pin you are creating) In the second one choose "Load Screen With Nickname" and select the screen you need. That is, press "Select". BTW you should have created previously the screen you want to choose. When you press "Select" the console will present you a list of screens you have already created, just choose the one you want. Regards, -Pancho
Lost but trying
Posts: 6
Reg: Jul 01, 2013
07/04/13 05:42 AM (11 years ago)
Hi Pancho, I will just play around with the plugins and try to achieve my desired effect. If I can't find one suitable, no doubt I'll be back asking yet more questions! One thing I would like to do is let users add information to the map for everyone to see, and have a rating system. I know this will be the step after I get the pages linked, but does this have any influence on what type of page I have linked to the map location? Thanks for your help Regards Joe Edit: So since posting this I have followed your instructions for a HTML doc, custom HTML and a PDF doc, but all result in a white, empty screen on the simulator. My HTML page opens in my web browser and displays the information I put on it, but nothing happens in the simulator. Now I'm confused

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