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Aspiring developer
Posts: 456
Reg: Feb 16, 2013
Green Bay,Wi
04/26/13 08:17 AM (11 years ago)

Testing website

I would like to give back and help the BT Community. I have a idea but i need some input on it. I want to make it simple but effective. I know their are a lot of testing websites out there but some have prices and some are free. I was thinking of setting up a BT App testing website that would be for BT members only. You would be able to upload a APK or Xcode project for volunteer BT reviewers to review and give feedback before you would submit. The idea is based on so many rejections that come through from apple. Many members of BT have a great amount of experience of what is needed and I think it would be a benefit for new members and old. This is just a concept for thought. One issue is the xcode project. This would open the source code to reviewers and some might not be comfortable to do that. The reviewer would be able to only review on a simulator to make it easy. Now the reviewers would be voluntary and would have to be BT members also. Also you have to be a BT member to have a app reviewed. Again is just concept. Any feedback? or interest? I may not have thought everything out.
I hate code!
Posts: 46
Reg: Apr 03, 2013
04/26/13 08:42 AM (11 years ago)
I like the idea! I know I'm new but let me know if I can help in anyway. Thanks
Aspiring developer
Posts: 456
Reg: Feb 16, 2013
Green Bay,Wi
04/26/13 08:44 AM (11 years ago)
Thanks Jay... Im in Door County.. I assume i live about 30 min from you?
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
04/26/13 02:30 PM (11 years ago)
It's a great idea, but it might be hard to implement on a few different levels. With respect to Xcode, a Developer gets 100 devices per year, and the only way to have code tested is either a) use one of his development credentials on a test unit or b) surrender the project (and access to all his secret code) so that another developer can test it. With respect to Buzztouch, if I were to surrender my code, it may contain a high end Kittsy (or other) Plugin that is integral to the look/feel/operation of my project, but I can't just submit it to a site where others can snoop through the code; you're effectively distributing Kittsys (or others) merchandise for free. It 'IS' a good idea, but the implementation of it (at face value) might prevent a lot of participation, either because someone is paranoid of their 'great idea' being stolen, or the real possibility of proprietary plugins being 'borrowed' at no cost. Just my opinion. Cheers! -- Smug
Aspiring developer
Posts: 456
Reg: Feb 16, 2013
Green Bay,Wi
04/26/13 02:38 PM (11 years ago)
Smug Your concerns are my roadblock on taking the next step. Its why I shot it out there. Option I think would be too difficult.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2050
Reg: Nov 03, 2011
04/26/13 03:29 PM (11 years ago)
Now I have a neat solution to this problem about source codes and people using the code. Here is essentially an online simulator where you upload your Xcode package, and then it views it in a little widget on a website (that you can place on your website). So people would be able to upload their code to our website, which then uploads it to this widget. From that, the website uses the phone simulator as an embedded widget to view to other developers. However, this service costs a little bit of money. $9/month for 500 embedded widgets - $29 for 2000 embedded widgets. Here's that handy link: kickfolio.com
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 452
Reg: May 30, 2011
04/26/13 04:25 PM (11 years ago)
kickfolio.com looks pretty cool. Looks like something BT could connect/team with. Maybe have a page similar to the BT developer profile. This could be shared to other BT members and not the public. I am sure BT could work out a more reasonable price. Could be a members perk. -Shane
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2050
Reg: Nov 03, 2011
04/26/13 04:30 PM (11 years ago)
I wouldn't mind paying more for my membership to get this service. But not too much more.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 456
Reg: Feb 16, 2013
Green Bay,Wi
04/26/13 05:21 PM (11 years ago)
Great ideas... 1st..kickfolio is a option.. Here is the thought ..I I could recruit 5 to 7 bt members to review your app and write a review. The key to the review would be to and give feedback based on some the issues that apple has rejected us for...Here the financial part really it would be $1 per review submission for bt members and maybe $10 per submission for non members. This is a perk for people to become bt members. The math may pay for the monthly charge. Android free for members and $ for non members since I believe you can just upload the API without source code issues... Or maybe if we can find the right honest review members we can keep it free with my first idea..I agree with smug that ther maybe some special code to steal.. However you still have choice whether to submit...people like myself use either self hosting or the bt panel and the code is what I'm given on bt.. Jousting thinking again
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2943
Reg: Jul 11, 2012
04/26/13 10:12 PM (11 years ago)
You actually don't need to use TestFlightApp.com nor KickFolio.com to test the apps made by our fellow members. Instead, I can resign most any app (.ipa file) by using my own certificate and provisioning profile. Then I can load the re-signed app onto my own iPhone or iPad. I use the iResign tool to apply my Provisioning Profile and Certificate: https://github.com/maciekish/iReSign The only gotcha might be that an Enterprise Developer account might be required. (which I have) -- Niraj
Code is Art
Posts: 1755
Reg: Nov 17, 2011
04/27/13 07:49 AM (11 years ago)
This is exactly why Testflight exists - so you can test your code on devices without sharing your source code. You could just set-up an account and make a team and have BT folks upload binaries. I use it all the time and they have made some great improvements to make the process easier. It's a two step tango with the UDID and that always confuses testers... Don't forget the BT OTA option also exists and Smug fixed those bugs a few months back which make it usable now. another option I explored is Piecable. https://www.pieceable.com Very cool but $$$. You could only load one app and test it for 1 hr when I first used it. It worked well and I'd go this route if it was cheaper and not for the fact there is no substitute for testing on real devices....

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