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Posts: 3936
Reg: May 21, 2011
San Diego, CA
03/25/14 11:58 PM (10 years ago)

New Plugin: Terms of Service (EULA)

Make users agree to your Terms of Conditions before using your app! Call it what you want (EULA, Terms of Service, Conditions, Agreement), the user must accept before it allows use of the app. This screen should be set as the home screen, and without a tabbed bar. However, if you only want a certain section in your app to have a terms of conditions agreement, you can use it as a screen anywhere (example: a section where there might be risky videos or user uploaded content). Features include: - Includes unlimited amount of "pages". - Pages are HTML documents, so you can style and include whatever you want. - Remembers users acceptance of terms. - Customizable XIB files for "welcome" screen, super slick. - User can email the agreement in PDF format if desired. - Easy page navigation and scrolling. - Confirmation on acceptance. - Choose what screen to load up when agreement is set. Download here! https://www.buzztouch.com/plugins/plugin.php?pid=56F0A42182975D8F65A0694 NOTE: Unfortunately, due to my lack of skills, I was unable to connect it to the control panel. This plugin is a bit special and typical code would not work. Instead, you will have to follow instructions in the README.txt in order to select the screen the Terms of Service will go to once the user accepts it. Thanks for understanding. Cheers, David Van Beveren https://btmods.com/chat ^ Chat with other BT Members live!
Lost but trying
Posts: 1509
Reg: Dec 17, 2011
03/26/14 01:30 AM (10 years ago)
A much needed plugin, you have released some cool plugins of late, simple but affective, great work, going to do some shopping this week.
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
03/26/14 07:19 AM (10 years ago)
Same here... waiting on a couple of ebay auctions to close and get paid for so I can go on a MrDavid Shopping spree this week with my paypal account :) I'm specifically looking at the "View Suite"... motion view, camera view and video view. MrDavid... any chance of working filters into the camera view and video view like the OS version offers?

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