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Aspiring developer
Posts: 57
Reg: Jun 06, 2013
08/19/15 03:31 PM (8 years ago)

pass tapped menu Properties from Ultimate Screen Creator plugin in to a xib Button Menu

Hello, is it possible? this is what I need to do. My first page is Ultimate Screen Creator plugin and I need to carry the "Properties - Name" or other property to the next menu, that is the "XIB Button Menu." I'm exemplify a sequence of several menu choices! The Ultimate Screen Creator plugin The button A1) - choose the type of color. B1) - choose white. C1) - choose black. If you choose A1) Load another Ultimate Screen Creator The button A2) - blue color. B2) - the color red. C2) - the green color. and if you choose A2) Load to a "XIB Button Menu". At the "XIB Button Menu" I need the text from "A1)= choose the type of color." and "A2)= blue color." xib passed to the menu. Then I will use this information to compile an email to send to the recipient. This part is already done, but I can not bring the text information from previous menus that were selected.

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