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Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
05/04/17 07:53 AM (7 years ago)

Add FireBase Push Notifications to Android

For a while now I have been wondering how to add FireBase push notifications to a BT4 Android app. I think I have worked it out so I just made a quick guide on how it's done. http://bit.ly/2qIXOyy I'd be grateful if anyione could try and report back if it works for you. I also tried to add onesignal (in the same guide) with partial success - if anyone can finish it, please let us know. Cheers, Alan
Aspiring developer
Posts: 405
Reg: Feb 20, 2014
zagorje ob savi
05/04/17 11:22 PM (7 years ago)
In BT 3, OneSignal works fine in Android for me. Now in BT 4, it works only with FireBase?
Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
05/05/17 02:08 AM (7 years ago)
I have not actually tried the BT3 approach with BT4. When BT4 was released, @Chris1 said in a post that Android push notifications need Firebase to work. I had some spare time so I thought I'd try and figure out how it is done. As an afterthought, I thought I'd check out Onesgnal. Btw, I have also just documented a OneSignal iOS howto that works for me and was successfully used by @FunkyMOnkey, see https://www.buzztouch.com/forum/thread.php?fid=100DBE239924E49D8903F73&tid=100DBE239924E49D8903F73 If you look at OneSignal today, the Android instructions they give show that they require Google Firebase as part of the solution. Obviously Google don't give buzztouch specific firebase guidance and I ran out of time trying to figure it all out. I think this is 90% there; I got it to the point where a Onesignal notification is received, but didn't show the content on the device. If anyone can add the bit that is missing then we can have a complete OneSignal solution. Cheers, Alan
Veteran developer
Posts: 183
Reg: May 19, 2011
05/08/17 06:53 AM (7 years ago)
We are using Batch as our push provider and it works really well.

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