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Aspiring developer
Posts: 1177
Reg: Aug 07, 2013
07/23/15 06:05 AM (8 years ago)

Push registering in design mode

Hi guys, need bit of advice, I have figured out push thanks toe many links on here with great advice, I put a new version of my app in the stores on 5th and 15th(android) of this month after sorting push on both platforms, also followed the error in xcode registering as design even though the config file was live, also followed the advice on here on changing files in android to make push work. after both app versions went live, i deleted the app from 3 ios devices and 4 android devices, downloaded the new version on all, all the devices registered as live and push went through no problem. The problem im having is past couple of days as people have downloaded the app, there devices are registering in design mode, I have tested my own devices again and they are registering as live. anybody idea on why this is happening. cheers Sean. ps just checked on someone elses phone that hadn't downloaded the app before and that registered as live.

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