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Bill Kling
Lost but trying
Posts: 6
Reg: Feb 14, 2013
Southern Califo...
02/14/13 10:26 PM (11 years ago)

Bad experience with my first buzztouch app

Hi everybody - Noob here. I got all excited about buzztouch. I found some apps built by buzztouch on the Android play store, downloaded the one with the most stars and got a warning this app contains a trojan. First time I ever saw that warning in all the apps I've ever downloaded. Disappointed. How should I interpret this experience? Bill
Jake Chasan
Veteran developer
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02/14/13 10:38 PM (11 years ago)
Who was the developer? What was the app?
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 452
Reg: May 30, 2011
02/14/13 10:42 PM (11 years ago)
How did you know they were BT apps? If they were built in 1.4 it sometimes will give a malware warning. Nothing wrong with them. If you were using AVG it red flags lots of apps that are fine.
Bill Kling
Lost but trying
Posts: 6
Reg: Feb 14, 2013
Southern Califo...
02/14/13 11:01 PM (11 years ago)
Thanks for the fast replies. The app is Ninkasai Brewing Company Here is the page from the play store where I found the apps created by buzztouch. https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=buzztouch&hl=en Bill
Jake Chasan
Veteran developer
Posts: 1685
Reg: May 13, 2011
location unknow...
02/14/13 11:04 PM (11 years ago)
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
02/14/13 11:16 PM (11 years ago)
I agree with @Outbreak...lots of decent and safe apps are being flagged by AVG for some unknown reason, and tons of bad and unsafe apps are making it through. I wouldn't use that as a gauge. Not so sure I would hold up MySkylla as a current example, as it was built using buzztouch v1.5, and we're up to buzztouch v2,0, which is much better. Plus, quite a few screens don't work. One member put together this super cool app using buzztouch : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.villagrovefootball2012 There are lots and lots of great things you can do with buzztouch...give it a try. I don't think you'll be disappointed! Mark
Bill Kling
Lost but trying
Posts: 6
Reg: Feb 14, 2013
Southern Califo...
02/14/13 11:33 PM (11 years ago)
Thanks guys. I opened the Myskylla and it didn't work either. That's 2 in a row. Buzztouch is lookin' limp so far. I know I'm just off to a bad start. I love this idea and want to make it work. Mark, the Villa Grove app is usable. Thanks. - How do I decide if it's worth the time to learn Buzztouch? I'm a noob - no coding ever. Potential customers are pushing me to build some apps for my large organizations. I'm concerned that Buzztouch is too limited. I hope I'm wrong. Bill
Bill Kling
Lost but trying
Posts: 6
Reg: Feb 14, 2013
Southern Califo...
02/14/13 11:43 PM (11 years ago)
I just made a decision. I'm not going to build them myself. Time for some developers. Thanks guys. Bill
Posts: 3936
Reg: May 21, 2011
San Diego, CA
02/15/13 12:15 AM (11 years ago)
Bill, Something is bugging me about your posts, I feel like you came here to degrade/bash buzztouch, and had already decided this before you posted. Might just be me, but your posts make me feel like this isn't the first time you've been here. Can't put my finger on it through. With the attitude/outlook you have I would be very surprised to see you building apps for large organizations? - it also suggests that you would have a reputation for building apps already with a "big" client base looking for your services, but in your first post you stated you were new at this? If you really genuinely "want this to work", I would expect you to not give up so fast and wait for some posts for support, encouragement and help. You only gave us a nine minute window to respond to your post before you decided to leave! Either way, we wish you the best, really. If you have any questions or need any help, we'll be here. I would definitely check out buzztouch U, might give you more insight about how "limited" we really are! ;) https://www.buzztouch.com/btu Cheers, David https://buzztouchmods.com
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
02/15/13 12:39 AM (11 years ago)
Mr. David, I have to concur. I wasn't going to say anything; I prefer 'not' to be confrontational. But I got a distinct feeling he wants us to prove something to him. My first instinct was 'who the ____ are you? So I just kept quiet. It seems to me judging an entire platform on one or two apps is like condemning housing in general because he had a bad architect. I welcome all new users; everyone is new sometime. But biting the leg before you say hello is a bit distasteful, and doesn't exactly bring out my best side. I hope he does stick around; but only if the attitude changes. Otherwise I have no time for that BS. Cheers! -- Smug
Bill Kling
Lost but trying
Posts: 6
Reg: Feb 14, 2013
Southern Califo...
02/15/13 12:48 AM (11 years ago)
Thanks David for your post. No, I did' not come here to beat on Buzztouch. I actually think it is fantastic. I still really like it. I'm sorry if I created some negativity. If there is a way I could revise my thread title or do something to fix this, I would gladly do it. What happened is that I had a realization after spending some time with buzztouch U. I just am not interested in building. I am the idea guy. I solved some problems in the psychology and personal development field and am implementing the solutions into mobile tech. Writing a spec doc is as far as I want to go on this end. I like working with people one on one and solving problems there. Translating those discoveries into a user experience is what I should sub out. That is my realization tonight. I've got a built-in market, I just need the apps. Let me know if I can do anything to remove any problems I may have caused. I love what buzztouch is. I am using a Galaxy S3 with Eset security and had the trojan warning, and the second app didn't work. Just coincidental that I had that experience. I may have someone else build some test apps with buzztouch. That would be good. Bill
Posts: 3936
Reg: May 21, 2011
San Diego, CA
02/15/13 12:56 AM (11 years ago)
@Smug I think we ALL have those days LOL! We got this. @Bill no worries at all mate. Glad it's all figured out. Again, my post was sincere, were totally happy to help you out if you need it, just shout out on the forum, and give us time to respond :) Wishing you the best of luck with your endeavours Bill. David https://buzztouchmods.com
David @ buzztouch
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 6866
Reg: Jan 01, 2010
Monterey, CA
02/15/13 02:38 AM (11 years ago)
Hi Bill, Thanks a bunch for taking the time to look around. As you can see (and hear), we have a passionate gang and it's easy to get a little defensive sometimes when folks don't see things the way "we do." The fact is, there are tons of tools online these days that make all sorts of promises to do all sorts of things for all sorts of folks. Our community has blossomed into a large group of people that are genuinely interested in embracing the open-idea. This means lots of adjustments, improvements, and changes are possible and common when working with buzztouch projects. In other words, our approach allows people to do just about anything they want with their source code downloads. This of course creates some drawbacks. Most notably - quality control. There are literally tens of thousands of apps in the wild that started at buzztouch. Some are canned, pure stock buzztouch ideas, others are hybrids that have been changed a great deal. There isn't anyway for us to know what's actually getting published (with a certain degree of accuracy of course). In your case, and this is ironic, you ran across some apps that I created two or three years ago when we were just getting going with Android. The apps you checked out (I didn't even realize they were still in the Play Store, I removed them!) were created literally in a one day when Android was shiny new. Super fast stuff. It's not surprising at ALL that they don't work as expected on a modern device. If you're a creative, and not a coder, for sure you'll have some stress trying to "force" buzztouch to do what you want. It's a wonderful system and community for those that actually want to dig in, compile apps, manage submitting, embrace the open source concept. It's NOT the best solution for somebody that would rather hire somebody else to do the work / service for them. Like I said, tons of services online will do this for you for a fee. Lastly: And this too is ironic: "I'm concerned that Buzztouch is too limited" made me giggle a bit. If you've looked around some, I think you'll find that it's actually the opposite. We don't limit ANYTHING for ANYONE. You can literally do whatever you want with the project download we deliver....if you so dare get your hands dirty a bit :-) Cheers and good luck, you're honesty and constructive criticism is absolutely no problem - you're welcome back anytime David
Aspiring developer
Posts: 3278
Reg: Aug 16, 2012
Jerseyville, IL
02/15/13 06:52 AM (11 years ago)
Hello everyone, I never post anything negative and will not start here. The only thing I will say here is to add to David @buzztouch post about the limitations of buzztouch. Not only does buzztouch not limit anything here, buzztouch gives the free speech and NEVER edits, unless personal account info is displayed that are confidential to that user, or deletes a post. Free speech, negative or positive, @buzztouch is a wonderful right and fundamental in life and here @buzztouch. LA

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