Discussion Forums  >  Maps, Device Location, Tracking

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Lost but trying
Posts: 9
Reg: Dec 12, 2012
Haderselv, Denm...
05/12/13 10:08 AM (11 years ago)

Track on map

Hi I try to make an iPhone app, and i wonder if there is a way to import google.kml data into the app instead of switching to Safari and open it there? Or can I make the app using google maps in the app screen, while I still have the home button in the top menu. This is a link to a Google map where i have made the route. "https://maps.google.dk/maps/ms?msid=203962967867228329677.0004dc7f7e24e6509be2a&msa=0"
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2050
Reg: Nov 03, 2011
05/12/13 10:46 AM (11 years ago)
There is a way. I am about to try and get this feature on one of my apps. Kittsy knows how to do it, so if you're looking for help, he's probably the person to ask.

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