Discussion Forums  >  Maps, Device Location, Tracking

Replies: 2    Views: 97

Fingers Crossed
Veteran developer
Posts: 234
Reg: Jan 16, 2012
Simcoe, ON
04/24/13 08:38 PM (11 years ago)

Don't allow GPS being ignored? Scringo a bit invasive

My app uses the maps plugin as well as Scringo integration. It was noticed by users that the Scringo screen was rather too good. While 'Find my friends' is aimed at your close knit group of friends, the Radar in Scringo basically advertises to all users of the app where people live. While people can potentially sign out, I thought I'd add the 'Allow GPS' option and let them block it, so I added it. After running the app I told it to 'Prevent Location Reports', and yet my location is still shown in the location plugin, as well as the Scringo 'radar' screen. I also noticed the GPS icon at the top remains there too. So, does this plugin work?
Code is Art
Posts: 3862
Reg: Aug 10, 2012
Austin, TX
04/25/13 05:07 AM (11 years ago)
Hmm - that is troubling indeed. I'd be emailing support at Scringo right away. I think it's a good thing I haven't turned Scringo on in any of my apps yet. Too many bugs. This one is big though.
Code is Art
Posts: 206
Reg: Oct 28, 2012
04/26/13 04:14 AM (11 years ago)

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