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Aspiring developer
Posts: 81
Reg: Jan 21, 2013
08/27/13 07:41 AM (10 years ago)

Question about reducing the file size of my app

To keep the file size of my app down, I went through and removed lots of images from my xcode project that i ended up not using in the final version of the app. Do i need to remove these from the BT control panel also?
Aspiring developer
Posts: 3278
Reg: Aug 16, 2012
Jerseyville, IL
08/27/13 08:00 AM (10 years ago)
Hi MrT, If they are not included in your project or App, and no other use of them, then yes. This a self-hosted? Although, if they are in the control panel and no linking to them or anything, then it would not affect your file size. LA
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
08/27/13 08:00 AM (10 years ago)
Nope. Control Panel only provides the configuration file. If you're certain that you're not going to expand your app services, you can remove other unused plugins to reduce the size of your binary. However, it's something I rarely (as in never) do, because you never ever know when something could change. And its so much easier just making a quick control panel change rather than release a new binary and go through the review process again. Cheers! -- Smug

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