Discussion Forums  >  WebViews and HTML for Mobile

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Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
04/10/13 07:33 AM (11 years ago)

Showing twitter html in Android - strange differences?

I have a twitter list that I want to display in an Android app and I've noticed different behaviours according to how I try to display it. I've used a twitter widget to display the twitter list https://twitter.com/LimeTimeApps/limetime-f1-public-picks, as I had page not found error if I tried to reference the twitter list directly from a mobile browser. The page with the embedded widget is hosted on the internet (http://limetimeapps.co.uk/appfiles/f1quotes/f1_lt_tw.html) The options I've considered so far are using custom url plugin, html doc plugin or using the external app plugin (browser) and they all give different results. Option 1 - using html doc plugin The plugin has the external url as its document location. Result - blank page Option 2 - using custom url plugin The plugin has the external url as its document location. Result - Tweets are displayed full width to my test device (good) Links from tweets go to pages that are part zoomed, locked to the left margin and don’t pan/zoom correctly (bad) Option 3 using launch native app (browser) plugin I use the same external url Result - tweets shown full width on mobile (good) - Click on a tweet link, some results are not mobile optimised (acceptable) - pan and zoom works fine (good) - Navigates the user out of the app, but android back button takes you back into app (unlike apple) (acceptable) Can anyone explain why the results are so different i.e. html doc not working and custom url has pan/zoom issues? Cheers, Alan
Aspiring developer
Posts: 23
Reg: Mar 15, 2013
05/03/13 09:57 PM (11 years ago)
I tried implementing a Twitter widget in Android a while ago and used Custom Html screen and it worked pretty well. Have you tried that? Not sure if your option 1 refers to this. Francisco
Apple Fan
Posts: 956
Reg: Dec 20, 2011
London, UK
07/18/13 03:29 PM (11 years ago)
Hi, What widget do you use @francisco, I'm having the same blank page issues for a specific page load. Thanks!
Aspiring developer
Posts: 207
Reg: Sep 06, 2011
Los Angeles
08/01/13 02:27 PM (10 years ago)
Bump! I'm also getting a blank page. Thanks!

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