Discussion Forums  >  Crashes, Memory Warnings

Replies: 2    Views: 102

buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 51
Reg: Nov 09, 2011
04/22/12 05:23 PM (12 years ago)

Eternal Load when i press a number in webview

Hi guys, im testing my app (BT 1.5, Android) and in the Webview when i press a number the app start lo load and never stop, any ideas to fix this?. Screenshot: http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/6919/sc20120422205903.png App in Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.videomundo&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS52aWRlb211bmRvIl0. And the log: 04-22 20:55:56.159: D/SntpClient(166): request time failed: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Try again 04-22 20:55:56.159: D/GpsLocationProvider(166): requestTime failed 04-22 20:55:56.399: D/BatteryService(166): update start 04-22 20:55:56.399: D/BatteryService(166): update start 04-22 20:55:56.439: D/BatteryService(166): update start 04-22 20:55:57.959: W/PowerManagerService(166): Timer 0x7->0x3|0x1 04-22 20:55:57.959: I/PowerManagerService(166): Ulight 7->3|0 04-22 20:55:59.259: I/InputReader(166): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 0 04-22 20:55:59.259: I/InputDispatcher(166): Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0, channel '40548e38 com.gau.go.launcherex/com.jiubang.ggheart.apps.desks.diy.GoLauncher (server)' 04-22 20:55:59.259: I/InputDispatcher(166): Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0, channel '4078b370 com.android.internal.service.wallpaper.ImageWallpaper (server)' 04-22 20:55:59.309: I/InputReader(166): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 1 04-22 20:55:59.309: I/InputDispatcher(166): Delivering touch to current input target: action: 1, channel '40548e38 com.gau.go.launcherex/com.jiubang.ggheart.apps.desks.diy.GoLauncher (server)' 04-22 20:55:59.309: I/InputDispatcher(166): Delivering touch to current input target: action: 1, channel '4078b370 com.android.internal.service.wallpaper.ImageWallpaper (server)' 04-22 20:55:59.329: I/ActivityManager(166): Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.videomundo/.BT_activity_root bnds=[3,52][77,128] } from pid 6310 04-22 20:55:59.439: I/OrientationDebug(166): [pwm] in updateOrientationListenerLp() 04-22 20:55:59.449: V/OrientationDebug(166): in updateOrientationListenerLp(), Screen status=true, current orientation=-1, SensorEnabled=true 04-22 20:55:59.449: I/OrientationDebug(166): [pwm] needSensorRunningLp(), return true #4 04-22 20:55:59.449: W/ZZ(9083): BT_screen_webView: start GPS is set to YES in the applications configuration data, trying to start GPS 04-22 20:55:59.449: W/ZZ(9083): BT_screen_webView: user has not prevented the GPS from starting using a BT_screen_settingsLocation screen 04-22 20:55:59.449: W/ZZ(9083): BT_screen_webView:startListening (started listening for location changes) 04-22 20:55:59.459: W/ZZ(9083): BT_screen_webView:startListening asking for Network (Cell Tower or Wi-Fi) location updates... 04-22 20:55:59.559: W/AudioFlinger(95): write blocked for 165 msecs, 291 delayed writes, thread 0xcce8 04-22 20:55:59.589: D/WifiService(166): [mPersistState] : On 04-22 20:55:59.639: I/ggheart(6310): onStop 04-22 20:56:04.589: D/WifiService(166): [mPersistState] : On 04-22 20:56:04.589: D/WifiService(166): [mPersistState] : On 04-22 20:56:04.629: D/WifiWatchdogService(166): (android.server.ServerThread) Speed-UP (40:4a:03:d0:a5:02) does not require the watchdog 04-22 20:56:05.319: W/PowerManagerService(166): Timer 0x3->0x3|0x1 04-22 20:56:06.419: D/BatteryService(166): update start 04-22 20:56:06.419: D/BatteryService(166): update start 04-22 20:56:06.429: D/BatteryService(166): update start 04-22 20:56:06.579: I/InputReader(166): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 0 04-22 20:56:06.579: I/InputDispatcher(166): Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0, channel '409d0d10 com.videomundo/com.videomundo.BT_activity_root_tabs (server)' 04-22 20:56:06.659: I/InputReader(166): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 1 04-22 20:56:06.659: I/InputDispatcher(166): Delivering touch to current input target: action: 1, channel '409d0d10 com.videomundo/com.videomundo.BT_activity_root_tabs (server)' 04-22 20:56:06.689: W/ZZ(9083): BT_screen_webView:onCreate 04-22 20:56:06.689: W/ZZ(9083): BT_viewUtilities:updateBackgroundColorsForScreen with nickname: "Catalogo" 04-22 20:56:06.689: W/ZZ(9083): BT_viewUtilities:updateBackgroundColorsForScreen: setting background color to: "#FFFFFF" 04-22 20:56:06.689: W/ZZ(9083): BT_viewUtilities:getNavBarForScreen Hiding nav. bar for screen with nickname: "Catalogo" 04-22 20:56:06.699: W/ZZ(9083): BT_screen_webView:backgroundWorkerThread this screen does not use a background image 04-22 20:56:06.699: I/webclipboard(9083): clipservice: android.sec.clipboard.ClipboardExManager@40550f10 04-22 20:56:06.759: W/ZZ(9083): BT_strings:getSaveAsFileNameFromURL from: "http://pablovydra.com/Android/Videomundo/catalogoo.html" file name: "catalogoo.html" 04-22 20:56:06.759: W/ZZ(9083): BT_fileManager:canCacheDocument "catalogoo.html" 04-22 20:56:06.849: W/AudioFlinger(95): write blocked for 165 msecs, 292 delayed writes, thread 0xcce8 04-22 20:56:06.909: W/ZZ(9083): BT_fileManager:doesProjectAssetExist: NO assets/BT_Docs/catalogoo.html 04-22 20:56:06.909: W/ZZ(9083): BT_screen_webView: file not found in cache or in assets...loading URL from: http://pablovydra.com/Android/Videomundo/catalogoo.html 04-22 20:56:06.909: W/ZZ(9083): BT_screen_webView: loadUrl 04-22 20:56:06.919: W/ZZ(9083): BT_screen_webView: start GPS is set to YES in the applications configuration data, trying to start GPS 04-22 20:56:06.919: W/ZZ(9083): BT_screen_webView: user has not prevented the GPS from starting using a BT_screen_settingsLocation screen 04-22 20:56:06.919: W/ZZ(9083): BT_screen_webView:startListening (started listening for location changes) 04-22 20:56:06.929: W/ZZ(9083): BT_screen_webView:startListening asking for Network (Cell Tower or Wi-Fi) location updates... 04-22 20:56:06.929: V/webview(9083): OnSizeChanged: Enter 04-22 20:56:07.009: D/WifiService(166): [mPersistState] : On 04-22 20:56:08.549: V/webview(9083): ZoomScale 3 mPreserveZoom: false 04-22 20:56:09.289: W/ZZ(9083): BT_screen_webView:onPageFinished finished Loading: http://pablovydra.com/Android/Videomundo/catalogoo.html 04-22 20:56:12.009: D/WifiService(166): [mPersistState] : On 04-22 20:56:12.029: D/WifiService(166): [mPersistState] : On 04-22 20:56:12.049: D/WifiWatchdogService(166): (android.server.ServerThread) Speed-UP (40:4a:03:d0:a5:02) does not require the watchdog 04-22 20:56:12.669: W/PowerManagerService(166): Timer 0x3->0x3|0x1 04-22 20:56:13.069: I/InputReader(166): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 0 04-22 20:56:13.069: I/InputDispatcher(166): Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0, channel '409d0d10 com.videomundo/com.videomundo.BT_activity_root_tabs (server)' 04-22 20:56:13.129: I/InputReader(166): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 1 04-22 20:56:13.129: I/InputDispatcher(166): Delivering touch to current input target: action: 1, channel '409d0d10 com.videomundo/com.videomundo.BT_activity_root_tabs (server)' 04-22 20:56:13.439: W/ZZ(9083): BT_act_controller:canLoadDocumentInWebView "tel:40400074" 04-22 20:56:13.659: W/AudioFlinger(95): write blocked for 167 msecs, 293 delayed writes, thread 0xcce8 04-22 20:56:16.439: D/BatteryService(166): update start 04-22 20:56:16.439: D/BatteryService(166): update start 04-22 20:56:16.469: D/BatteryService(166): update start 04-22 20:56:19.139: W/PowerManagerService(166): Timer 0x3->0x3|0x1 04-22 20:56:26.459: D/BatteryService(166): update start 04-22 20:56:26.459: D/BatteryService(166): update start 04-22 20:56:26.469: D/BatteryService(166): update start 04-22 20:56:27.999: D/WifiService(166): [mPersistState] : On 04-22 20:56:29.499: W/ZZ(9058): BT_screen_htmlDoc:onLocationChanged The device's location changed. 04-22 20:56:29.509: W/ZZ(9058): BT_screen_htmlDoc:onLocationChanged From: NETWORK/CELL Lat:: -32.8695464 Lon:: -68.8489001 Accuracy:: 130.0 04-22 20:56:29.509: W/ZZ(9058): BT_screen_menuListSimple:onLocationChanged The device's location changed. 04-22 20:56:29.509: W/ZZ(9058): BT_screen_menuListSimple:onLocationChanged From: NETWORK/CELL Lat:: -32.8695464 Lon:: -68.8489001 Accuracy:: 130.0 04-22 20:56:29.519: W/ZZ(9083): BT_screen_webView:onLocationChanged The device's location changed. 04-22 20:56:29.519: W/ZZ(9083): BT_screen_webView:onLocationChanged From: NETWORK/CELL Lat:: -32.8695464 Lon:: -68.8489001 Accuracy:: 130.0 04-22 20:56:29.529: W/ZZ(9083): BT_screen_webView:onLocationChanged The device's location changed. 04-22 20:56:29.529: W/ZZ(9083): BT_screen_webView:onLocationChanged From: NETWORK/CELL Lat:: -32.8695464 Lon:: -68.8489001 Accuracy:: 130.0 04-22 20:56:33.079: D/WifiService(166): [mPersistState] : On 04-22 20:56:33.079: D/WifiService(166): [mPersistState] : On 04-22 20:56:33.099: D/WifiWatchdogService(166): (android.server.ServerThread) Speed-UP (40:4a:03:d0:a5:02) does not require the watchdog 04-22 20:56:36.479: D/BatteryService(166): update start 04-22 20:56:36.479: D/BatteryService(166): update start 04-22 20:56:36.489: D/BatteryService(166): update start 04-22 20:56:39.149: I/InputReader(166): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 0 04-22 20:56:39.149: I/InputDispatcher(166): Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0, channel '4055cb28 com.videomundo/com.videomundo.BT_screen_webView (server)' 04-22 20:56:39.239: I/InputReader(166): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 1 04-22 20:56:39.239: I/InputDispatcher(166): Delivering touch to current input target: action: 1, channel '4055cb28 com.videomundo/com.videomundo.BT_screen_webView (server)' 04-22 20:56:39.419: I/InputReader(166): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 0 04-22 20:56:39.419: I/InputDispatcher(166): Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0, channel '4055cb28 com.videomundo/com.videomundo.BT_screen_webView (server)' 04-22 20:56:39.499: I/InputReader(166): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 1 04-22 20:56:39.499: I/InputDispatcher(166): Delivering touch to current input target: action: 1, channel '4055cb28 com.videomundo/com.videomundo.BT_screen_webView (server)' 04-22 20:56:45.249: W/PowerManagerService(166): Timer 0x3->0x3|0x1 04-22 20:56:46.499: D/BatteryService(166): update start 04-22 20:56:46.499: D/BatteryService(166): update start 04-22 20:56:46.509: D/BatteryService(166): update start 04-22 20:56:47.109: I/InputReader(166): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 0 04-22 20:56:47.109: I/InputDispatcher(166): Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0, channel '4055cb28 com.videomundo/com.videomundo.BT_screen_webView (server)' 04-22 20:56:47.199: I/InputReader(166): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 1 04-22 20:56:47.199: I/InputDispatcher(166): Delivering touch to current input target: action: 1, channel '4055cb28 com.videomundo/com.videomundo.BT_screen_webView (server)' 04-22 20:56:49.519: I/InputReader(166): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 0 04-22 20:56:49.519: I/InputDispatcher(166): Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0, channel '4055cb28 com.videomundo/com.videomundo.BT_screen_webView (server)' 04-22 20:56:49.619: I/InputReader(166): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 1 04-22 20:56:49.619: I/InputDispatcher(166): Delivering touch to current input target: action: 1, channel '4055cb28 com.videomundo/com.videomundo.BT_screen_webView (server)' 04-22 20:56:49.749: I/InputReader(166): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 0 04-22 20:56:49.749: I/InputDispatcher(166): Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0, channel '4055cb28 com.videomundo/com.videomundo.BT_screen_webView (server)' 04-22 20:56:49.849: I/InputReader(166): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 1 04-22 20:56:49.849: I/InputDispatcher(166): Delivering touch to current input target: action: 1, channel '4055cb28 com.videomundo/com.videomundo.BT_screen_webView (server)' 04-22 20:56:49.959: I/InputReader(166): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 0 04-22 20:56:49.959: I/InputDispatcher(166): Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0, channel '4055cb28 com.videomundo/com.videomundo.BT_screen_webView (server)' 04-22 20:56:50.019: I/InputReader(166): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 1 04-22 20:56:50.019: I/InputDispatcher(166): Delivering touch to current input target: action: 1, channel '4055cb28 com.videomundo/com.videomundo.BT_screen_webView (server)' 04-22 20:56:50.149: I/InputReader(166): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 0 04-22 20:56:50.149: I/InputDispatcher(166): Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0, channel '4055cb28 com.videomundo/com.videomundo.BT_screen_webView (server)' 04-22 20:56:50.189: I/InputReader(166): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 1 04-22 20:56:50.189: I/InputDispatcher(166): Delivering touch to current input target: action: 1, channel '4055cb28 com.videomundo/com.videomundo.BT_screen_webView (server)' 04-22 20:56:56.199: W/PowerManagerService(166): Timer 0x3->0x3|0x1 04-22 20:56:56.519: D/BatteryService(166): update start 04-22 20:56:56.519: D/BatteryService(166): update start 04-22 20:56:56.529: D/BatteryService(166): update start 04-22 20:57:06.539: D/BatteryService(166): update start 04-22 20:57:06.539: D/BatteryService(166): update start 04-22 20:57:06.549: D/BatteryService(166): update start 04-22 20:57:13.029: D/WifiService(166): [mPersistState] : On Really tnks!
Lyle @SFNeNT
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 168
Reg: Apr 29, 2011
Chicago, IL
04/22/12 09:44 PM (12 years ago)
I have seen this before..never found a fix for it...just ended up re-downloading the source code and re-adding it to eclipse...seemed to work for me..good luck
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 51
Reg: Nov 09, 2011
04/23/12 06:21 AM (12 years ago)
Lyle, i've find the solution, check this post: http://www.buzztouch.com/forum/thread.php?tid=9258DF3125FCD96E0959795 Tnks!

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