Discussion Forums  >  Crashes, Memory Warnings

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Android Fan
Posts: 103
Reg: May 06, 2012
Umeå, Sweden
05/07/12 02:43 PM (12 years ago)

Application crashes after RSS-Feed

Hello! I've just manage to input a simple RSS-Feed to my application. It's smooth sailing all the way to the RSS-Feed itself, and you can look AT the articles, but as soon as I want to read a article, the application goes to "browser mode" and freezes... What should I do? What's wrong? Appriciate help ASAP since it's a school project! (lol) Marcus from Sweden
Aspiring developer
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Reg: Jun 17, 2011
Mildura, Austra...
05/07/12 05:50 PM (12 years ago)
Hi Marcus, Are you on BT 1.5 and what os - Android or iOS? Have you tried different devices/simulators? Does anything come up in the log files to give you a hint? You get the feed and items ok, so it sounds like it's the "webview" of the article crashing.
Android Fan
Posts: 103
Reg: May 06, 2012
Umeå, Sweden
05/08/12 05:34 AM (12 years ago)
I am currently working on v2.0 for android It shows tha arcticle perfect, but crashes when i try to read them And also, I dont really want to go on "browser mode" to read the article, but that maybe is a must?
Code is Art
Posts: 21
Reg: May 03, 2012
01/15/13 10:57 AM (11 years ago)
Kind of a late reply but I had the same problem today for iOS. Try going to the URL screen that is using RSS and in BT control panel, in 'Document Behavior' set 'yes, show browser back button', and 'no, allow scolling'. I thought my screen was frozen but I just needed to allow scrolling. Sighh...

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